Saturday, June 1, 2019

Lots Going On... As Usual!

Alan attended the graduation at Soochow University. They gave him a cap and gown set... He looked so good... Abby tried it on when he came home with the outfit!

In the afternoon, it started to pour... it was my signal to go out for a run... the park was completely deserted... But I didn't have the time to go for a longer run.

I had an appointment this afternoon... and then we went out for shaved ice... But at an entire bowl and said she was still hungry!

The evening flew by... Alan watched TV while I tidied up around the house since I was gone since 2:30!

Isaiah had morning basketball practice and hung out at home, finishing up his report.

Oh... we also got news that Kurtis had applied and gotten in to Soochow University's Mandarin Training Center. So, he will be coming to Taipei, living in the dorm, starting this August. This is going to be interesting... My brother might be staying in Taipei... and maybe Kurtis will want to finish his degree here at Soochow University... who knows who else will be coming to live in Taiwan?

Seek Him First!
Image result for god works in mysterious ways


  1. That will be interesting at Soochow Alan, Isaiah, Abby and Kurtis.

  2. No kidding, mom, and Kurt better behave himself !!!!!!

  3. Well... if he doesn't, he will be incarcerated. And it will not be a wonderful experience!
