Friday, June 21, 2019

Handout Packets Done... Tutoring Done... For This Week...

It was another busy day... Tutoring in the morning... Tutoring in the afternoon... And it was so blaring hot... I had to scooter all over town.

By the time I got home, I was not feeling well... The heat just drained me...

Today was the last day for the kids... All the finals are finished.

Abby went out with her friends.

Isaiah went out with his friends.

My stomach was not feeling well... So, I had a very light dinner... Hopefully, I will be feeling better tomorrow... I will have to feel better as I'm translating for Alan as we're the retreat speakers. And yes, the handout packets are finished... Alan also had time to take the car in for the government yearly 'check-up'!

And this evening, I actually turned on the AC... That's how bad I was feeling... Completely drained from the heat!

I will not be blogging tomorrow as we will be at the Retreat site!

Seek Him First!
Image result for god is watching over us


  1. I know... I should do that more often... But trying to save the world...
