Saturday, May 17, 2014

Interesting Happenings -- Isaiah's Big Tests

Unless you are from Taiwan, you have never experienced what I experienced today.

At 8a.m. I took Isaiah over to the testing site -- Neihu Vocational Senior High School.  The traffic was backed up as cars and motorcycles were trying to park. I parked my scooter about a block down the street and we walked to the entrance.

About 50 meters from the entrance, the sidewalk was lined with people passing out all kinds of things -- handheld fans, boxes of tissue, brochures, handouts, and plastic bags filled with cram school materials.  They were also saying encouraging words while we walked by.

We entered the front court yard of the school and there were "cheerleaders" from all five junior high schools which had students there to take the high school entrance exams.  The place had signs posted everywhere. Each sign would be from a different school with encouraging words such as "get into the top school", "let your answers be perfect", "success is just one step away".  I turned to Isaiah and said, "This is like when I ran the marathon."

We walked upstairs and the hallways were packed with parents and students.  You could sense the electrifying excitement and tension in the air.  Isaiah greeted several of his elementary school classmates whom he has not seen in three years. You could tell that they wanted to chat and hang out, but they also knew that they had to be serious. This was "crunch time".  One of the counselors from Isaiah's youth group was there and prayed with Isaiah.
To be continued...

Seek Him First!


  1. oh my, I read your entry to KR and he just could not believe all the stuff that happens with high school entrance examination !!!! Guess I wish the US education system would care a little more

  2. Isaiah said that the students in the States would not last in this environment. It is amazing. The competition, the test questions, the intensity, the parents and the teacher support... I am writing part 2 now. You cannot believe it.
