Thursday, June 4, 2015

Abby's Class Competition & Test Analysis -- All On The Same Day

Abby went to school for the entire morning as they had a class with class sports competition. When I picked her up at 12noon, she was very sad. They lost their first game by 2-1 and it was only single elimination. Then they gave out a simple analysis about the tests results -- how many incorrect questions would land you at what grade!  This was one of the things that we were waiting for as it takes into account everyone who took the tests. So, if the subject was difficult, then you can have more incorrect answers and still be in the A range. But after looking at it and even though we did not compare her answers with the computer answer sheet, she had that 'sinking' feeling!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, tomorrow we will know.  Then it will be a 'gamble' to see how Abby will fill in the choices as compared with what all 68,000 other students might choose. That's the gamble! If we aimed too high, and others who had higher score did too, then Abby might end up at her last choice. If we aimed too low, when others did not, then we would miss out on a better school.

This is when we will have to walk by faith!

Overall, Abby did not have a 'happy' day.

As for me, it was another productive day. I finally cleared out all the things for donation. Packed up a box which was shipped to the Philippines. Packed up another box that I took over to a 'Taiwan Goodwill'. And I have another huge Costco bag for people at church! And someone gave me chili that was flavorless. I spiced it up, added more meat and it was fabulous. With all the spices and sauces that I added, it must have been really really bland before! I also worked on my upcoming talks for two different churches. I always get so excited for the opportunity to share God's word!

Seek Him First!
「Psalm 103:5」的圖片搜尋結果

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