Monday, January 7, 2019

Visiting the Elderly Center

Mom did not sleep much last night... One of the things she does is she will keep coming out to say good night and check the time. She can do this for about an hour...

And then Alan and Isaiah were up at 2 for the Chargers' game. So, she woke up to go to the bathroom and saw the TV on... and thus, she kept coming out to "watch"...

The game was over at around 5:30 and Alan said she was most likely back in bed at around 5am.

I was up at 6 for my quiet time and she was already up!

I told her to go back to bed... but she was walking around... It wasn't until 9am that she went back to bed but I woke her up at 11 to have her breakfast.

We had an appointment to visit the neighborhood elderly center. It was really nice! I liked it a lot. There are about 7 different rooms and they break up everyone into smaller groups. Each group has two social workers and they do different activities. The social worker who gave us the tour said that the average age there was 83! Yes, my mom would fit in very well! Unfortunately, like I had mentioned in an earlier blog, they have a waiting list and there are five people in front of my mom. What I love is that the part time program has many different options. I can have two full days or three half days or a mix... as long as the schedule is set. I can't change things around randomly. They will notify me when there is an opening and they have no idea when that will be! PRAY! I know God is in control. When my classes start, God will provide the part time care!

After the visit, I took her to the local supermarket. And by the time we were back, it was Little House time and yes, I went for my quick run!

I put her to bed by 7:30... and yes, she did the 'good night' routine AGAIN! But she was fast asleep by 8:30!

Tomorrow I'm scheduled to take Mom to another new program... but I might change it to Wednesday since I don't have anything planned for Wednesday... We will see. Maybe I can have her at the new program on both Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Seek Him First!
Image result for the truth of god's love is not that he allows