Sunday, October 30, 2016

I'm Back!

Landed in Taipei on Saturday at around 1:05pm. Alan and the kids came to the International Airport to pick me up. It was so wonderful to see them and to have them help me with the boxes as I hadn't really slept much for the duration of the flight back. Twelve plus hours from LA to Seoul, a five hour layover in Incheon, and then another two-hour flight to Taiwan... I didn't watch any of the movies. I did eat the meals that were served. And I was blessed with time in the Asiana Business Lounge!

The house needed cleaning, but I had boxes to unpack, things to get ready for the two different Sunday services, emails to answer and mail to open... I finally went to bed at 11:30!

By 3:46am, I was up. Even though I had less than five hours of sleep, I felt very alert. The weather was perfect for the morning service as I gave a short message on prayer and then took the congregation on a prayer walk. I stayed for lunch!

Upon getting back home, Alan was ready to leave as he wanted to get to church in order to have time to set things up for the special Children's Day Service. I was hoping for a short nap.  Oh well... I had my nap in the car!

The service was a total blast. The message and activity that Alan prepared were spot-on! The Love Feast was fabulous. The surprise snacks that I brought back from the states were a hit. And the Photo Booth that I had ordered was the perfect way to wrap up the evening!

We got home by 8:30 and Abby and I went to visit Ariel and Robert as Caleb was running a fever and missed the special Children's Day Service.

I then spent the rest of the evening putting things away!  By 12:30, I was very ready for bed!  I think I'm going to be up early again tomorrow... and spend the day putting the house in order. Mopping the floor, dusting, scrubbing... and I have a set of test to finish up!

This week looks like another busy one! But how wonderful it is to be back in Taipei! With cooler weather, I might even have time to go for a run or a bike ride!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Ps. 24: 7