Thursday, November 19, 2009

On A Friday Morning

Where is this at? This is not an amusement park, but Costco, Neihu. This is where I shop for bulk items. Yes, it is the same as any Costco in the States, except for one thing -- the lines. I usually try to get in and out within 30 minutes. That means, within 30 minutes, I try to find a parking space, which is probably down in B3, get a cart, get the food, check out, and drive out from B3 within 30 minutes. It's call SPEED shopping.

But on this particular Friday, I saw this as I headed down to B1. What? They were setting up Disneyland-like ropes to form lines. From B3, I headed up and was confronted with winding lines. For this particular day, it took 30 minutes just to get inside Costco. Why I asked one of the ladies? Her reply -- The Passport coupons had coffee packets, truffles and liquid detergent on special! What time was this? It was 20 minutes after they opened their doors.

The verse to claim on this particular morning --

Rejoice always and again I say rejoice! Phil. 4:4

Seek Him first!


  1. Hey A-Team! Great to see you on blogger!
    I love reading about your days - similar yet so different from here. Love from naTASHa

  2. Hi Tash:

    I have not had time to get on line and post things. I am still figuring out how to upload any videos.

    See you this summer!

    I just found out that I can respond with a comment to you.

