Monday, July 1, 2024

Yes... Ditto Yesterday's Title!

July has started and the speed of they day has not slowed down!

I was up and thinking I'd only run 5k, but I actually hit 8k. I was thinking that I'd have time to run in the afternoon when the rain starts. But again, no time.

I started packing the four suitcases -- two for Abby and two for Alan. I'm packing as this needs skill to get them to the right weight and to separate what goes to Annie and what Alan will bring for Abby when he goes to visit her.

I took down the clothes and started the process after going to do the recycling again!

Alan and Abby came back at 11am. And after having a quick lunch, we were out the door. We wanted to drop off donations as the boxes are being packed today and picked up tomorrow. We also wanted to drop off two suitcases that we won't be using at the old house and get one to give away to the couple who helped Annie bring things for us. While driving the rain started, but our AC went out. The front wind shield was getting so fogged up. We had to stop at two mechanics, but both had lots of customers. We decided to use the defrost function... It worked and we were ever to drive on to pick up Abby's passport. We dropped off the luggage and Alan dropped me off at home as I had prayer time at 4pm. I was 15 minutes late.

Alan and Abby went to pick up dinner and get the car fixed.

Mom was home and I had dinner ready. We just finished praying and the phone rang. While Mom ate, I finished up the suitcases. Two are completely done... 23.2kilos and two more will be finished!

I've got a long list of things to do tomorrow.

Tonight after Mom went to bed, we had Family Time. It will be our last one with the four of us all around the dining room table. For the next 10 weeks, Alan will be in the States and Abby will be back in Brazil. We are planning on her return in April of 2025. We shall see how the Lord works!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Zechariah 3:5 WEB - I said, "Let them set a clean turban on his

 Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ