Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tutoring & Thundershowers

I was up early... and ran my 8k. It was hot as I went out just a bit too late. I must get out by 5:15!

I was home and after a quick shower, I was getting Mom up and out.

The recycling was next! And they were able to take everything.

I was off as my online student is now back in Taiwan and we are meeting face-to-face. It was a delightful hour!

On the way back home, I stopped at WGE. It was nice to be in the AC. And when I came out, the ground was wet... the thundershowers had started. I was able to get home and close all the windows before the downpour really begin!

It was nice to have lunch and then I put things in the car as I have a lot to bring over. I might have to go on my scooter as it's hard to park there. I need to clear out the things that have not been given away!

At 4pm, the downpour stopped and I was able to ride to my next tutoring session. And that was also a delightful hour!

I was really careful riding back as the road was very slippery. Yes, I had a helper here... I have to as I can't make it back in time. 

Tonight, Isaiah and I watched another movie... next week we will start running as he and Dad are in training for a run in November. It's going to be interesting... can they run for 12.5k? And how fast?

Daily Lovely Insight:

God's Timing is Perfect

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

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