Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Ran the Hills! Insanity Hit!

It was a day of getting lots done... 

I picked up the pineapple cakes and other items that I ordered for Annie. Then I went to drop off the tutoring assignment as I will be starting back when Alan and Abby leave. On the way to meet them for lunch at Alan's favorite place, I went to Fubon Bank and paid our credit card bill.

Lunch was great. I went over and ordered first, then went to buy drinks for them. Alan loves this restaurant and wanted Abby to try it before he leaves. 

We were home to drop off the cakes and desserts and drove to Soochow University. We wanted to transfer money from Alan's account to my account, in case I need to access it while he's gone! I decided to run home by going over the hills. Wow... how insane was that at 3pm in the heat and the thunderstorms never came. I was hoping for rain! 

I got home and Alan and Abby were still at the dentist as he wanted to look one more time before she leaves for Brazil.

When they got home, I left to get more contacts and a special dinner for Abby. I also got a few more pineapple cakes for her from a store in Neihu. It's not as famous as Chiateh, but I think the taste is the same!

Mom was home and after I got her to bed, Alan, Isaiah and I went to the airport. Abby was sharing at the young adults group of Taipei International Church. 

I was glad that Isaiah went with me as he helped me with direction to get back home. I don't enjoy driving at night! The truth is: I don't enjoy driving PERIOD!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Acts 11:18 Illustrated: "When they [the Jewish Christians] heard..." —  Heartlight® Gallery

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. Praying for you as Abby leaves tomorrow. Bitter sweet. Can Isaiah drive so you won’t need to be concerned with that? I bet he’s a capable driver.

  2. He is, but he has to work! The great thing was: I did the drive last night so it was much easier today. And the thunderstorm never came!
