Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Mom Bea's Birthday & Bible Study Tuesday!

Happy Birthday: Birthday, Birthday Wishes, Notebook, Journal, Diary

I was up and I saw that the ground was wet, thinking it would be cool... Was I ever wrong!

It was so muggy that my palms had water dripping... 

I ran 8km.

I was home and got the lunch ready for the ladies. There were only three of us. One is out of the country. One is sick. We won't have our next study until September.

Then a neighbor had strollers for me to give away. I posted those and there were taken by 5pm.

I also got a bag of shoes and one of the pairs was a great one for Isaiah. He fit... extra wide toe box, extra cushion, size 9! Exactly for him! Brand new! My neighbors are so nice to me!

We finished the study at 12:45 and I took one of the gals home as I wanted to drop off the panini press for the VBS Lunch on Thursday. The gal is sick so I will drop everything off tomorrow, depending on the weather as Thursday is to be my Sabbath. God will work this out! I will have to buy bread and show the helpers how to make grilled cheese sandwich!

I had to rush back by 1:30 as the air drill started! No vehicle can be moving between 1:30 to 2pm! I got home and finished cleaning up and putting everything away. I also took down the clean clothes and put that away! Yes, tidied up Mom's room and bathroom and got the iRobot going!

I worked on my talk for Sunday as I wanted to send off the ppt by tomorrow!

Mom was back by 5:15 and I had dinner ready!

Isaiah went to play basketball tonight. 

The rain has started but it hasn't been bad. We will see... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Daily Verse: Isaiah 33:6 | KCIS 630

Isaiah 33:6... Matthew 6:33

Matthew 6:33 Ministry

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ