Saturday, July 13, 2024

Another Packed Saturday!

I was up early and went out and ran 8k and reached 51.55k this week because I ran 9k one day... I'm just ecstatic, even though I used to run 60 a week! With this heat... getting out there six days a week is a feat!

I came home, and got my gear and went to WGE for a shower and a quick workout and met up with someone who was giving away a London Fog in my size! The person who was scheduled to pick up was a no show... YIPPY! I then went and dropped off a book for someone and then came home to clean house, stripping the bedding and doing two loads. Since Mom was still in bed as I put her to bed late last night knowing I had a few errands to run, I went to meet up with another person who had keys for me to pick up. She was staying at someone's house and leaving today! 

I was home and got Mom up and showered and eating.  It was so hot... I was drenched in sweat! Riding out in this heat is absolutely mind boggling brain sucking energy draining! And getting Mom ready is a workout!

At 2pm, friends came to pick us up as we went to a funeral. I could not have attended if they didn't come to help me. 

We were home by 5pm and I got Mom her dinner and after she went to bed, I went out to meet up with another person. She had polka pants for me and I had a helmet for her!

I blogged and messaged people. Isaiah said he will be back after 11pm tonight! His team came in second place! I would not get to see him as I'm usually in bed by 10:30 as I'm trying to get up early each and every morning! I average about five hours of sleep a night! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

The Origin of Our Rescue {Memorize Isaiah 12:2} - Do Not Depart

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

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