Friday, July 19, 2024

Beware! Extreme Heat!

I was out and ran my usual 8k.

It was nice to get home and drink some lemonade! So refreshing!

I forgot to update you as to the complex meeting last night! Yes, we are going to get a new janitor. And the meeting did not go long! Yes, I baked this orange banana concoction and they loved it. I thought it wasn't sweet enough. I should have put in another cup of brown sugar, but they thought it was superb! Overall, the meeting went well... The next one is set for August 15th. Please continue to pray!

So... after Mom left, I got myself set up in Abby's room to tutor at 10am. The hour again went fast and I had the AC on! I also ate my lunch in her room with the AC on!

At 12 noon, I headed to church to bring over the donation and to clean up the church love cafe. I've been wanting to do that but last week I was at the old house cleaning. And the cement guy gave me a quote -- 800US$ and the work will start on July 29th, taking about three days! I went to WGE and did my usual workout, but without rushing! I was home by 3pm and back in Abby's room with the AC on!

Tonight, Isaiah went out to dinner with Fenny.

I went out to have dinner with my Bible study gals at one of the ladies' home! She cooked and those who could not attend were online via Zoom!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 48:14 – 104.3 The Bridge

What a beautiful promise!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ