Sunday, July 28, 2024

Double Service Sunday!

I was up early and did not go out for a run... yes, it's my rest day. I did not go to WGE either! I did not go for a walk...

I went to pick up things that are to be given to different ladies at GEM as I spoke there this morning.

I did a load of laundry... and then left at 10am, after cleaning the recycling area.

The service was great... I shared on Jesus Walking on Water... Matthew 14:22-36!

I went long and had to rush back home to get Mom ready to go out for our afternoon service. Isaiah was home!

We always like to be at church by 2:30 to help with set up!

We had a lot of people for the GEM Service and we had a lot of people for the HOP Service!

Isaiah had a basketball game at 7pm, so he and Fenny left at 6:10. Our HOP Service also went long... One testimony went especially long. Isaiah was the translator!

I got Mom home by 7:45 and got her to bed... then I went to buy bread and went back to church as VBS lunch tomorrow is grilled cheese sandwich. I can't be there as I have to be at the Old House for the cement repair! So, I have a gal from my Bible study making the grilled cheese sandwiches. I just needed to get everything there TONIGHT! I'm glad I went over as the front door was not locked properly and the sign was still outside!

By the time I got home, I was tired... it's another early morning tomorrow... and a full day!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Matthew 14:27 But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don't be afraid,” he said.  “Take courage. I am here!” | New Living Transl… | Bible prayers, God loves  me, Bible apps

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ 


  1. I was wondering what was happening

  2. The two days of typhoon days with mom home really set me back in the things that I needed to do!
