Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Wow... I Needed That...

I was up early and ran 9k. It was hot! Even at such early morning hour!

I was home and went and bought veggies. I was hoping to get carrots and potatoes and tomatoes, but the store just opened and didn't have much. I got three Chinese radish (turnips) and 12 tangerines for only 3US$!

I was home and started the dinner in the crock pot!

Then it was time to get Mom ready and out!

After she left, I made several phone calls: booked the cement guy to look at the fifth floor on August 10th. Booked the faucet guy for this Friday! And booked a massage for 2:45!

I worked on tidying up the house, putting away the clothes that are dried in the back balcony and settled down to work on my talk for August 18th. 

After lunch, I took a nap and then went to WGE before heading for my 90 minutes workout. On the way home, I got gas and paid two bills! The rain didn't start!

The crock pot dinner turned out nicely. I got Mom's dinner ready and the phone rang! She was home.

Oh... I packed up things for a friend who just moved into a place... mugs, glasses, plates, bowls, spoons... 

Isaiah was home for dinner! Tomorrow night he will have basketball.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Today's reading was from Isaiah 54-58! So many wonderful verses in those chapters!

Isaiah 54:10 - Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be re...

Isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return  to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for  which I

Scripture Song Series – Isaiah 56:7 KJV – SonLight Education Ministry

You got the idea??? Read those chapters and see for yourself!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ