Monday, July 15, 2024

A Sizzling Hot Day!

I was out for my run by 5:51 and of course, that was not early enough. I was able to complete 8k.

Then it was home for a shower and Mom Care!

After Mom left, I cleaned up her room and her bathroom and called Ms. Hsieh. YEAH! She was available so I went for a 90 minute massage!

It was absolutely blissful!

I decided to head over to the traditional market as there's a second hand store there. I was looking for pants with elastic and shoes with velcro for Mom. I found the pants, but not the shoes.

I headed back in the heat and heated up my lunch and called Alan. We talked for about 30 minutes! YIPPY!

I was out again as I wanted to stop by WGE. I didn't have time this past weekend!

I also had a Tatung rice cooker fixed for 12US$. I got that home and cleaned it up with citric acid! It looks like new.

At 3:50, Elaine came over for prayer time! It's nice to catch up with her once a month. I had the AC on!

Mom was back promptly at 5:10.

This evening, Isaiah went out for a 4k run! I was going to join him, but he wanted to run on his own... Oh well... Maybe tomorrow night or Wednesday night... or Thursday night... That would be nice to go do a short run on one of the evenings... We shall see!

Daily Lovely Insight:

When obeying God, don't do a mediocre job. Fill the water pots to the brim! 

That was one of the interesting insights from yesterday's sermon! The servants could have done a so-so job, but they didn't. They obeyed and fill each water pot to the brim. They could have thought it senseless to do as Jesus instructed them since the guests had already completed the custom of the Jewish purification. Why are they being asked to fill them again? 

Instead of questioning Jesus, they followed orders and did the job with excellence!

Jesus Came to Manifest His Glory. A study of John 2:11–12 | by Gabriel  Mattix | Medium

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. you need another rice cooker?

  2. Of course not... and you should see how many fans I have now... I should start a repair shop!

  3. I had so many fans but I gave them all away, plus vacuum cleaners too Now if you would find another Zroomba I would love it

  4. That's an iRobot sweeper?
