Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Canopy of the Lord

I was up early but not early enough. I did not make it out by 5:15. I was out by 5:40 and did my 8k with my legs still feeling like jello from the heat. I thought the heavy down pour would have cooled the morning way down, but no! It was nice to get back home and take a shower!

I put things in the car and checked the recycling area. That area is getting flooded by the heavy downpour each afternoon. 

When I came back up, it was time to get Mom up and out... and to start my Sabbath! YEAH!

I did my Revelation study. I read. I added to my talk for July 28th. Isaiah said he would help me with the ppt, so I hope to finish it by Tuesday of next week!

I had a delightful breakfast and a delicious lunch! And I made sure I have enough meals prepared for the rest of the week for Mom!

I was in no rush to go anywhere or do anything... I just sat and thought about life! It was very refreshing!

Isaiah had dinner plans after work.

I haven't prayed with Alan since he left for the States. We have not been able to set up a regular time! And we have not talked about when we'd have Family Time... maybe when he is in Brazil with Abby! We shall see!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Isaiah 4:5-6 WEB - Bible Study, Meaning, Images, Commentaries, Devotionals,  and more...

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ