Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sizzling... Blaring...Extremely Hot!

I was up early and did get to go out before the temperature jumped... But I only ran 8k.

It was time to get Mom up and out... and then down to help with the recycling and then I was out for my first tutoring appointment. 

Before leaving, I had put veggies in the rice cooker and when I got home, they were finished! What a great lunch!

I decided to turn on the AC and take a nap! LUXURIOUS! I was up so early that the nap was absolutely refreshing!

Then I was out again and the heat was still blaring!

My second tutoring session went well... The helper was here with Mom.

This evening before prayer time with a sister I went to WGE. The AC is always so nice there.

Isaiah had dinner out with friends and he ran on the dreadmill at the office.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 130

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. we are still just in the 70's too cold for me

  2. The heat fries me and my brain silly... putty!
