Thursday, July 18, 2024

Nap-filled Sabbath!

I was up super early and still did not beat the heat. Looking at the weather forecast, there is no time to beat the heat as it's just going to be hot... until about mid September! (When Alan is back!)

I ran 8k at a very slow pace... not as slow as Alan but still... my legs just didn't want to move.

I put a load in and hopped into the shower. Then I worked on organizing my closet as I hang things in sets for easy access! 

By getting up so early, I had more time before I needed to get Mom up, so I went down and made sure the recycling was done!

After Mom went off, I settled on the sofa and read. Well... read and napped!

I had a great breakfast and a great lunch...

In the afternoon, I turned on the AC and napped some more... 

I decided not to go out to WGE as the sun just sizzles and fries a person! The heat is intense.

I did bake a cake for the complex meeting tonight!

Mom was back and I had her dinner ready!

Isaiah found out that he wasn't selected to report for the week of military service. YIPPY!

Daily Lovely Insight:

This was part of my morning reading!

Daily Devotion: Isaiah 26:3-4 – CROSSROADS MINISTRIES

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ