Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ditto Yesterday's Title!

I was up early and went out for my run... it was cooler than yesterday... but still nothing! I ran 9k!

Even with 'nothing, they announced that today will be another Typhoon Day... No work for Isaiah... No Day Care for my mom! And today was to be my Sabbath... 

I decided to read and rest and to wake Mom up late... At least I had a few hours... but... it turned out I needed those few hours as the fridge was not working.

After testing several possibilities, it was the wall sockets that were out!

A friend came over to try to fix it, but there is something wrong with the electrical wiring in the socket. I will have to call the electrician tomorrow. I had an extension cord and hooked the plug to a socket in our dining room! So, the fridge is running! Glad that I don't have much in the fridge! With the fridge pushed out, I cleaned the back wall and the floor. It was filthy!

After Mom went to bed, I watched the movie, 23 Blast. It was based on a true story and quite good.

So, even though it was not exactly the Sabbath that I had wanted, it was still a delight!

Daily Lovely Insight:

isaiah 36 and 37

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. we have a plug like that too the electrician cannot fix yet

  2. So, what was the problem? Why couldn't it be fixed? How weird!
