Sunday, July 14, 2024

A More Relaxed Sunday... Sort Of...

I was up early but instead of going out for a bike ride or a walk to the local market, I decided to put away more of the winter blankets and start working on my tutoring prep!

Isaiah was fast asleep. So, in those morning hours, I got a lot done. I took down the two loads of laundry that I had done yesterday and put away some of the bedding that's washed! The bed looks so nice!

It was nice to prep for my tutoring this week!

Then it was time to wake Mom up and fed her and get her ready for church.

I had already brought everything down to the car.

And yes, I had cleaned up the recycling area, too!

I had to translate for the speaker and Isaiah drummed. We had two newcomers, but I didn't get to talk to them much. One guy was from Scotsdale, Arizona. 

Pastor Luke shared from John 2 and he had several beautiful insights:

1. Comparing John 1:1 and John 2:1, what was the meaning of 'in the beginning' versus 'on the third day'?

2. Comparing the servant and the headwaiter, how did their experience of the miracle differ?

3. Comparing your salvation experience to this miracle, how are they similar?

I quite enjoyed his message. He spoke from his heart! Nothing fancy but truly Spirit-led!

We were home by 7:00 and I got Mom to bed. Isaiah took Fenny home on his scooter.

I also started editing the new Bible study materials that we adapted for our Tuesday morning group. We will take a break in August and then have one more session on September 3rd and start on the new material by the second week of September! I want to finish editing it and then we will get it printed out!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Churchatfive - Jesus said to the servants, 'Fill the jars with water'; so  they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, 'Now draw some out and  take it to the

Obedience and Faith! Do you see them in these two verses?

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ