Friday, July 5, 2024

A Stupendous Sabbath!

I was up super super early... And I did go out but ran only 7k.

After Mom left for the Day Care Center, I went down and helped with the recycling. This janitor has to go... I don't think he can improve on his speed of getting things done.

When that was done, I went for a 90 minute massage! Absolutely delightful!

I was going to get some new lenses for my glasses, but I forgot to bring another pair of glasses with me. So, I decided to buy some fruit and veggies and go home. I should have stopped at the traditional market since I was right there to buy some jello. Oh well... 

I ate a delicious lunch and tried to read, but it was way too hot. It was too hot to sleep even with three fans blowing. The heat is suffocating!

At 2:45, I went to Miramar Entertainment Center. I was going to get a replacement cartridge for our soda stream machine, but they are out. I put my name down for two... They have no idea when they will be getting more!

I went down to B1, the Food Court, and sat and read. The AC was splendid. There were many people down there, just to enjoy the AC. I also went and bought the jello from the upscaled supermarket! A bit pricey, but I love that jello with lemonade!

I was home and had thirty minutes before Mom was due back. So, I laid down and rested! I really fell asleep! NICE!

Tonight Isaiah went to have dinner with Fenny and I went and ran a few errands.

Here's a picture from yesterday at the airport with Abby!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Romans 12:12 - Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful...

1 Thessalonians 5:8 KJV - But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Very Difficult to Say Goodbye!

I was up early after staying up late last night to get all of Abby's things together... She came back from sharing, feeling quite tired and she had a sore throat. So, I sent her to bed after she took a tablespoon of cough syrup!

I went for a short run as my legs were actually tired from the hills yesterday. Plus, it was hot! BLARING HOT! I ran 7km! 

I got Mom off to the day care center and put another load of laundry in. Then it was time to organize everything! Both luggage were done: 23.3 and 24.5! The lady at the check in counter let us go! And her carry on bag and her backpack had books! They didn't weigh the stuff. She also had an ukulele.

While packing, Abby realized that she left her Bible at the church, so we had to stop there before we headed to the freeway. I also wanted to get her another bubble milk tea with taro balls and another Chinese breakfast snack which she loves. So, we went over to get those items! 

God helped me drive and get to the right terminal. We got checked in and sat on the chairs and ate and chatted. I just didn't want her to go in too quickly!

By 2pm, Alan was lining me. He and KR were having a terrible time meeting up at LAX. I'm so glad the Taiyuan International Airport is nothing like that. I would not be able to handle that kind of driving and traffic. By 3pm, I had to head back as Mom was coming back at 5:10. And with my driving, I have to give myself plenty of time!

The thunderstorm did not start! And since I did the drive with Isaiah last night, I did not get lost!

When I got home, I sat down and wrote an email to Abby... It was good to drive by myself home... I had time to think and get teary eyed and pray! God is good and I know He surrounds both of my kids. They are in His embrace! I am but a steward of His manifold gifts!

And Annie sent a picture of Alan, eating pork chop at their house! Praise Jesus!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Use Your Gift - It's Not About Me, It's About Jesus

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Ran the Hills! Insanity Hit!

It was a day of getting lots done... 

I picked up the pineapple cakes and other items that I ordered for Annie. Then I went to drop off the tutoring assignment as I will be starting back when Alan and Abby leave. On the way to meet them for lunch at Alan's favorite place, I went to Fubon Bank and paid our credit card bill.

Lunch was great. I went over and ordered first, then went to buy drinks for them. Alan loves this restaurant and wanted Abby to try it before he leaves. 

We were home to drop off the cakes and desserts and drove to Soochow University. We wanted to transfer money from Alan's account to my account, in case I need to access it while he's gone! I decided to run home by going over the hills. Wow... how insane was that at 3pm in the heat and the thunderstorms never came. I was hoping for rain! 

I got home and Alan and Abby were still at the dentist as he wanted to look one more time before she leaves for Brazil.

When they got home, I left to get more contacts and a special dinner for Abby. I also got a few more pineapple cakes for her from a store in Neihu. It's not as famous as Chiateh, but I think the taste is the same!

Mom was home and after I got her to bed, Alan, Isaiah and I went to the airport. Abby was sharing at the young adults group of Taipei International Church. 

I was glad that Isaiah went with me as he helped me with direction to get back home. I don't enjoy driving at night! The truth is: I don't enjoy driving PERIOD!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Acts 11:18 Illustrated: "When they [the Jewish Christians] heard..." —  Heartlight® Gallery

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

It's the Count Down...

I was up early and decided not to go for a run... as I wanted to run in the rain!

So, I started with a load of laundry and ended up doing two loads. I also had the iRobots moving... After Mom left, I proceeded with repacking to shift the weight and to fit more stuff in. Alan and Abby went and played tennis. 

Before they got back, I was out on the scooter to pick up Abby's backpack. FIXED! And then went to get my student's assignment copied off as I will be starting back with tutoring when they leave! I also went to Costco, hoping to find decaf coffee to send with Abby as a gift for Corenne. Unfortunately, I will have to ask Alan to get some from the States!

I was home by 12 and we had lunch together.

Abby left for her nail appointment and they did a fantastic job.

Alan spent the afternoon packing his stuff and going to buy printer's cartridges and grips for his tennis rackets.

When Abby got back, they headed to the MRT station as we are going to have dinner with Rex, Peilun and their son, Sam as he is going to be drafted with the professional basketball team in Taiwan. Rex played here for many years. 

I stayed and got Mom to bed before scootering over to meet up with them.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalms 63:7-8 | Psalms, Bible verses quotes inspirational, Psalm 63

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Yes... Ditto Yesterday's Title!

July has started and the speed of they day has not slowed down!

I was up and thinking I'd only run 5k, but I actually hit 8k. I was thinking that I'd have time to run in the afternoon when the rain starts. But again, no time.

I started packing the four suitcases -- two for Abby and two for Alan. I'm packing as this needs skill to get them to the right weight and to separate what goes to Annie and what Alan will bring for Abby when he goes to visit her.

I took down the clothes and started the process after going to do the recycling again!

Alan and Abby came back at 11am. And after having a quick lunch, we were out the door. We wanted to drop off donations as the boxes are being packed today and picked up tomorrow. We also wanted to drop off two suitcases that we won't be using at the old house and get one to give away to the couple who helped Annie bring things for us. While driving the rain started, but our AC went out. The front wind shield was getting so fogged up. We had to stop at two mechanics, but both had lots of customers. We decided to use the defrost function... It worked and we were ever to drive on to pick up Abby's passport. We dropped off the luggage and Alan dropped me off at home as I had prayer time at 4pm. I was 15 minutes late.

Alan and Abby went to pick up dinner and get the car fixed.

Mom was home and I had dinner ready. We just finished praying and the phone rang. While Mom ate, I finished up the suitcases. Two are completely done... 23.2kilos and two more will be finished!

I've got a long list of things to do tomorrow.

Tonight after Mom went to bed, we had Family Time. It will be our last one with the four of us all around the dining room table. For the next 10 weeks, Alan will be in the States and Abby will be back in Brazil. We are planning on her return in April of 2025. We shall see how the Lord works!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Zechariah 3:5 WEB - I said, "Let them set a clean turban on his

 Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ