Saturday, August 31, 2024

Blaring Hot Saturday!

As I sit to write this blog, the AC is on full blast! 

I was up early and went out for my 8k, ending my week with 50.25K!

Then it was home for a shower and catching up on housework, i.e. sending the iRobot to vacuum the house. I also went and ran a few more errands. I also splurged and got new transition lenses for my glasses. It's been over two years and it was time to get them replaced! 1300NT$ (about 43US$)! I will pick them up on Monday evening!

Isaiah left for his overnight trip with co-workers out in YiLan! He will be back in time for church tomorrow. He is translating and doing the worship leading!

I rested and got Mom up for her breakfast!

While she sat at the dining room table, I had to be super vigilant. Both of her hands must be on the table! I worked on putting together my ppt for September 8th and got up from time to time to do a household chore.

At 5pm, the helper came. Yes, I had reserved a helper just so that I can have some time to go off and it worked out perfectly as one of my ex-students asked me to join her for dinner in Tienmu!

On the way to the dinner place, I stopped at WGE and I also went to the Carrefour in Tienmu and bought a few things. I forgot to buy the spaghetti, so I will have to get that tomorrow. The dinner was fantastic. The food was great and the conversation flowed easily.  was home by 10:30pm!

I had things to get done for Monday: homemade spaghetti sauce, Normandy veggies from Costco with cheese. I went and bought Coca Cola.  I also asked a friend to write two verses in Japanese. Please pray for our last class on Monday!

Overall, it was a rather calm day! I'm so grateful!

Daily Lovely Insight:

1 John 3:1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we  should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the  world does

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ