Saturday, August 17, 2024

Ghost Month "Worship" Everywhere!

I was up early and went out for my 8k to hit 50k this week! YIPPY!

Isaiah went to coach tennis and I went down to 'train' the janitor. They have not found a replacement and the company is giving us 'beef' about how difficult it is to find a replacement! So, instead of being 'hopeless' I decided to go and train him. I started with getting his cart cleaned, throwing out the trash that he had accumulated on it. We then went and washed all the rags and mops and buckets. (It's difficult to imagine that a janitor is so poorly trained on the basics!) We went and washed all the trash cans and ash trays in our complex. I set up his cart and refiled all the cleansers. And I told him his duties for today! Sporadically, I checked on his progress.

Oh... Yes, I got Mom up and while she was eating, I'd go see what the guy was doing!

In the afternoon, I had planned to go to Costco and Isaiah helped! We took Mom. I didn't want to be home while the complex did their "ghost worship".  The lunar calendar month of July is Ghost Month. Tomorrow is the middle of the month when the gate of hell is opened the widest! Most complexes and businesses put out a spread to apiece the ghosts, like at Halloween, so that these evil spirits don't wreck havoc in the lives of humans. As the head of the complex, I had told them at the meeting on Thursday that I won't be going, but they still contacted me. I was glad that I wasn't home!

We bought the cake and other items as we have birthday celebration tomorrow at church and then next Saturday is the Potluck Game Night "Event". I'm making sloppy joes for 20 people!

When we left Costco, the line into the parking lot was so long! Glad we went when we did!

Isaiah bought a hot dog for his dinner. I ate leftover from my Bible study last night. I had Mom's dinner ready for her! I usually cook for the week!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 35:15 | I have sent also unto you all my servants the prophets,  rising up early and sending them, saying, Return ye now every man from his  evil way, and amend

Seek Him First

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)

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