Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Restful Sunday!

I was up early and since no run on Sunday, I started cleaning and sorting and filling up empty soap bottles! I also organized Mom's clothes, yet again! I bought three more boxes of gloves, two bags of diaper inserts and two bags of overnight diapers... and I will get more bed pads on Monday! I like the motto: a place for everything and everything in its place! 

I dusted as the house really needed it! Then I went through two shelves of books in the study! It was a very productive morning!

We left for church at 2:10 as we always get there early to set up and get the coffee and snack table ready!

Isaiah was the worship leader and the translator! I sat with Mom! Last week was really difficult as Isaiah was not at church and I had to translate. But one of the gals didn't have to sit at the AV booth, so she was able to sit with Mom! 

At the end of the service, we had the Father's Day gift and announcement of the winner. Isaiah won! He received two movie tickets. Everyone who participated received a certificate.

We left at 6:45 as Isaiah had a basketball game at 8pm. He helped me get my mom into the house and then scootered over. I got Mom to bed and put things away. I headed to WGE and did a quick workout and had a quick shower.

I spent the evening seasoning a cast iron pan. I watched a few videos and I had to work on getting the rust removed. I didn't know how exquisite these pans are. They can last a life time... and once seasoned, they are non-stick! I also blogged and worked on my talk for 8/18.

The week is going to be another busy one... so what else is new??!?!?!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 17:7

Jeremiah 17:7 |

The Beatitudes has a list of BLESSED... If you have the time, read that as well... Matthew 5:1-12!

In fact, read all the way to verse 16!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. hahaha the NOT father wins the prize

  2. I just don't have the patience to 'season' a pan

    1. I might have to do it four or five times...
