Sunday, August 25, 2024


I was up early and I knew it was going to be a tremendously hectic day!

I did my run and I even ran 9k and my weekly of 50K!

Then it was a quick shower and baking.

I went to the hospital to pick up Mom's meds and prescription, which is usually a 5 minute thing. The patient who was in there talked for 45 minutes... I told the nurse... I will come back another time!

I headed to church and set up! It took quite a long time as I was also making tea!

Then I was home and Mom Care.

I also got two crock pot of meat going and then made a salad. On the way back from church, I bought things for the event, such as burger buns, cucumbers, bell peppers...

The social worker came at 1:50 and stayed until 2:30. She might have a lead for a day care program that is on Saturday... self pay... but I'm very interested! She will get back to me! 

Friends from church came at 4:45 to pick up a load of stuff. The helper came at 5pm and I was off!

And yes, the AC was on FULL BLAST! There was no rain and with all the cooking, the house was so hot!

And the event went so well! All the students showed up. The food was more than enough! I came home absolutely exhausted! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

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Blossom as the Rose ~♥~ Isaiah 35:1-2 | Gracie Creswell ~♥

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ