Monday, August 26, 2024

God Is My Strength

I was up early and had my run -- 8k. It was hot!

I was home and got my stuff ready and got my scooter out in front!

I had to get Mom up and out and the van came at 8:36! I was on the way at 8:40!

I was there before 9am!

The class went well!

I came back home and put everything away and ate lunch then headed out to WGE. I hadn't gone for almost a week!

I was back and had a telephone conversation with the management company. They will have to make some positive changes!

At 4pm, I had prayer time. When that finished, I got Mom's dinner ready and made a salad for myself. It's just too hot to eat!

After Mom went to bed, I tutored from 7:30 to 9:50! I decided to bake for Wednesday as tomorrow is my Sabbath! I am still undecided about attending the funeral service of the father of one of the person's from our congregation. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Lamentations 3-21-26_sq - Do Not Depart

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. they keep saying positive change, can't believe it is taking so long

  2. Yup... they keep saying, but I think it's going to happen soon...
