Thursday, August 22, 2024

Another Fully Packed Day

I was up and out and ran my 8k. I felt as if my legs were moving faster... but actually, they were not.

I again rode the scooter out to the front and checked the recycling.

After Mom left, I was on my scooter. Today was grilled cheese sandwiches and milk tea and we had a great time!

I stayed after class to help the students as they were feeling overwhelmed with the TOEFL reading. I was home by 1:20 and started baking. Banana bread... When those were finished, I was out the door for my 3:30 tutoring!

That hour went fast. I was so grateful!

I was home just minutes before Mom came home! I had dinner ready.

Tonight, I had my Bible study group. We couldn't meet on Tuesday evening, so we decided to meet tonight! We started a new study: Simplicity by Cynthia Heald!

Isaiah went out with Fenny!

I came home, first making a quick stop at WGE. I packed up everything for tomorrow! I blogged, put a load of laundry in the washer and went to bed! Isaiah needed his basketball clothes. He will hang everything up!

It's going to be another early morning! This weekend is not going to slow down!

Daily Lovely Insight:

1 corinthians 1-30-31 img_1097 wisdom righteousness sanctification  redemption – Lift Up Your Eyes!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

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