Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sudden Thunderstorms!

I was up early and I did not see any rain drops falling on my feet... I ran my 8k - barely... because I tripped and hit the ground within the first two kilometers... banged up my hip and knee and wrist... God is good... I ran into my neighbor and he helped to keep me going... 

I took a shower and rinsed off the strawberries and wrapped up my wrist. It can't lift anything heavy...

I got Mom up, which was a bit difficult with a wrist that's not feeling well. God is good...  I got her into the shower and dressed and she had breakfast and out into the van.  Then I helped with the recycling. I came back home and finished reading as I had tutoring at 11am.

I got there early! YEAH! 

When I finished, it was pouring. I waited... and then finally went and bought a disposable raincoat. As soon as I paid, the rain stopped! 

I went to look for a lid... none... I'm going to toss the bottom.

I went and bought tracts for my talk on Sunday! 

I scootered home! I napped on the sofa. I was so tired!

I got up and had lunch and gathered up my stuff for my 4:30 tutoring. I also had to set up everything for the helper.

I had to get gas before heading up the mountain where my student lives. It was raining... and I had my raincoat on!

I was finished and the rain had stopped. Thank you, Jesus! I rushed back home!

Tutoring at 7:30pm! And another person asked if I could tutor her son... And my evening student does want to continue when school starts... Not twice a week, but just once a week!

What a day. I also blogged and printed out my talk and posted more things to give away!

Isaiah had basketball tonight! He had leftover chicken with noodles that I made yesterday. He said it was really good! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Forest Path Jeremiah 29:13 – Encouraging Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. I imagine you will wake up sore. I hope your wrist heals quickly. I would have gone home immediately to clean up and put ice on the injuries to stop inflammation and bruising. Take care of yourself.

  2. YES, I did ice it... so no swelling at all... I also put on massage cream, patches and wrapped it up! Both wrists are wrapped up!
