Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Another 'GOD HELP ME' Day

Yes, I was up early... but since yesterday, Mom has had diarrhea, a total of three yucky diapers since Monday. 

So, this morning, I woke her up early as I smelled it... I had double layered her diaper... so one was fine, but the other was very stinky!

Into the shower with only bread and water and a banana for breakfast!

She looked fine, so I sent her off to the Day Care Center and wrote to the social worker about the situation. I asked them to give Mom porridge for lunch. And I made porridge for her dinner.

I cancelled my 4:30 tutoring, in case the Day Care Center calls me. I also cancelled the helper who comes on Wednesdays.

I did the usual Wednesday morning recycling and then went off to run errands. I had so many, including buying diarrhea medication! I also donated blood and made a stop at Costco! While riding home, it started to rain! YIKES! I noticed: when I bring the rain coat, it doesn't rain. When I don't, it rains.

I got home, put everything away and took a shower. The house felt like a sauna!

I had an appointment at 2pm with one of my students from Soochow University. We met up at the Regent and had coffee and lemon cake! What a treat!

I headed to WGE for my quick 15 minutes workout as I didn't get a chance to go yesterday. And of course, riding home, it started to sprinkle again! I made it back without getting completely drenched.

After I got Mom to bed, I had my Wednesday evening tutoring session!

Isaiah had basketball!

Tomorrow is REST! I am so looking forward to that!

Daily Lovely Insight:

You Must Be Fruitful!" — Matthew 21:18-22 (What Jesus Did!)

As I'm preparing for my talk on 8/18, the Lord has led me to several interesting resources. One of them is about Jesus cursing the fig tree and it withered. Most of Jesus' miracles are to restore, to heal, to set free... yes, this 'miracle' was so different.

Several articles and podcasts had these similar points:

1. the fig tree had the deceptive appearance of bearing fruit, but it wasn't.

2. the fig tree is a reminder that fruitlessness brings judgment.

3. the fig tree precedes Jesus talking about faith and prayer.

What it Means to Pray in God's Will (Matthew 21:22) - Your Daily Bible  Verse - June 4 - Daily Devotional

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ