Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Wild Wednesday!

I got up early... super early... Ran my 8k and came home! After a quick shower, I took a 'nap'. 

Then it was time to move my scooter outside and get Mom up and out.

Yes, I was flying to school.

I had made brownies and I brought coffee packets.

The three hours flew by!

I stopped at WGE and did a quick workout and was home for lunch. 

Potstickers... YUMMY!

Then the social worker agency called to ask about the assistance I've been receiving... was I satisfied? I also had a few questions for them!

At 3pm, I took another quick nap! I had to... 

I found a new short cut to my tutoring in Shihlin! So, I was there by 4:25! YIPPY!

That went well... and they had the AC on! What a relief!

I was home and it was time to blog and Mom care! The helper left and I turned on the AC!

At 7:30, after Mom went to bed, I tutored for another two hours, ending a bit late, AGAIN!

I had to get everything ready for tomorrow and finally hit the sacks at 11:30! 

God sustained me!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Today I was invited to speak at GEM as the pastor is going to make an emergency trip back to the States. I subbed for him when he went to the states for a family vacation. Now, someone dear to him has passed away. I will be sharing on September 8th, Kingdom Mindset! 

What did Jesus mean by Luke 17:21? - Quora

(I chose this image in light of the fact that Annie and KR have embarked on their SAFARI ADVENTURE!)

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ