Thursday, August 8, 2024

My Sabbath... One Big Mistake...

I was up early and ran my 8k. 

I wake Mom up earlier now so that I can have sufficient time IN CASE there is a surprise in her diaper! No surprise today! YIPPY! The Chinese medicine worked!

I did a load of laundry and it was finished before Mom left to the Day Care Center.

I ate breakfast and sat and read. LUXURIOUS! I finished a book by Andrew Murray... The Beliver's Daily Renewal! I highly recommend it! I highly recommend the author, Andrew Murray!

At around 10:30, I took off to drop things off for a friend and to go to church to put the coffee away and make ice for Sunday. I also had a few bills to pay. Then I went to Domino's Pizza and redeemed my coupon from donating blood yesterday. I was so happy as I brought my own container. I didn't want a pizza box. And the staff was kind to fulfill my strange request! So, I had a delicious lunch!

I took a nice nap... now, here was my biggest mistake, which I will not do again on my Sabbath:

I answered two calls... BIG MISTAKE. One was about the complex problems and the other was from a person who likes to talk!

After hanging up, I barely had time to go to WGE. I did a very quick workout and even squeezed in a quick shower. 

I had Mom's dinner ready. I also made dinner for Isaiah and that turned out super delicious. Chicken with sesame paste and noodles! WOW! 

While Mom was eating dinner, I finished watching a sermon on YouTube!

Tonight we had Family Time! YEAH... it's been over a month since our last Family Time!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I read an article entitled Hope in the Waiting... And I thought, that's what HOPE is... to believe when in limbo... to believe when you don't understand... and I realized, that's what our verse for this year is all about... and that was what Tim Keller's book was all about... 

Romans 8:19 Illustrated: "The creation waits in eager expectation..." —  Heartlight® Gallery

In Christ, we can wait with HOPE... with EXPECTATION... with WORSHIP!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. Yes, but I thought maybe there was another 'emergency'...
