Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Saturday Like Other Saturdays...

I was up early and went out and ran my 8k. I looked at the weather... it's going to be like this for the whole month of August... perhaps it will get cooler in September... PERHAPS!

Then after taking a shower and Isaiah went off to coach tennis, I drove the car to church and dropped off a table and a door mat! On the way back, I bought soy bean milk!

I had Mom's breakfast ready and she peed a lot but no surprises. I did a load of laundry! And I turned on the AC! It was just too muggy and sticky!

Isaiah went and met up with Fenny as it's Taiwan Valentine's Day! They are going to hang out... I'm not sure about hiking as the thunderstorms started... but he sent me pictures... no rain... they saw a beautiful rainbow!

I had a friend who came over for counseling at 2:30. After he left and Mom had dinner and went to bed, I just stayed home! The Cement Guy had to cancel as his knees are in need of rest... He's so young. We had to reschedule to next Tuesday and I'm going to pray for him. He needs God! I'm glad I didn't have to go out tonight... I was just feeling tired... worn out... I realized that this past week started with Mom having diarrhea... It's been a long week!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 10:23 KJV - Bible Study, Meaning, Images, Commentaries,  Devotionals, and more...

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ