Sunday, August 4, 2024

Another Weekend... FINISHED!

I was up early and had things to get done... before getting Mom up!

I dropped off the desserts at church and at the same time, went through the kitchen and sanctuary cupboards. It was time to reorganize and clean as we have started to have problems with ants!

I headed home, stopping to get gas for my scooter! I also went to Carrefour and bought some yogurt!

I was home and had breakfast and Isaiah took off for church as he wasn't going to attend HOP.

He was back and we left early so that he can help me with Mom.

But it turned out that his game was at 7pm. DARN IT! I didn't bring the walker or the wheelchair as I thought he'd be back home to help me!

I translated for the service and led the Lord's Supper. I sure do like to do that!

The church people helped out as I had to go get the car and people helped to bring things and my mom to the car! We were home by 7:30! And I had to lug a huge bag of stuff and get Mom! It all worked out. After Mom went to bed, I put things away. YEAH!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Luke 2 - Holy Bible English -

This evening's speaker had a new insight about this verse: They were anxious as they were looking for Jesus in all the wrong places. Often times, we are anxious when we look for Jesus outside of the house of the Father... we look for peace and joy and love through what the world offers and that will only bring distress and anxiety.

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

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