Monday, August 5, 2024

A Hot Monday... and It's Only the Beginning of August!

I was up early... and went out for 8k.

It was already steaming hot!

I was glad to be back home. I took a quick shower after I trimmed my hair!

Then it was Mom care.

After she left, I went over to the old house. I dropped off a fan to be fixed. The motor went out and they don't make that motor anymore. Oh well... then I steam mopped the floor at our old house.

When that was finished, I went and bought yogurt and soybean milk at Carrefour and dropped off donation at the library! I rushed home as a friend came to pick up lots of stuff from our house! YIPPY!

I had an appointment at 1pm with a gal who is struggling with life issues. We met at Miramar and of course, it was nice to sit in a place with AC.

I set my alarm for 4pm as I wanted to make a stop at WGE for a quick 15 minutes workout before returning home. I had dinner cooking... and it turned out to be very delicious!

Mom was home... and I barely had time to get her dinner on the table!

Tonight, I started tutoring a student. We are going to have intensive classes for the month of August -- Two hours, twice a week!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Glory to His Name by Matt Taylor, Shelly Hamilton – The Wilds Online Store

Today, I just wanted to shout that: Glory to God!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. I don't want to do that... I think when the student says, No More, then I won't pick up any new student!
