Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jesus, the King of kings

I slept in... and after my quiet time, I went and ran a few errands, such as wiping down the car, buying soy bean milk, and updating our passbooks.

I was home and it was Mom care!

We left early for church so that Isaiah can help. He had a game at 2pm, so after getting Mom inside the church, he took off. It was only 1:15! So, I just used the time to set up while Mom enjoyed her snacks! I was the speaker today and we had a lot of people! Newcomers as well as those who are back from vacation!

We helped with cleanup and then were home by 7:45! I got Mom to bed and worked on my talk for September. I also blogged and checked on the recycling in B1.

I felt so rested since I slept in this morning. 

It was still a very hot day. There was sprinkling of rain but for maybe 10 minutes. So, it didn't really cool down the heat!

This week is going to be packed! My Soochow Intensive Class will start on Wednesday. Please pray as I need to be there by 9am. And Mom's van usually comes at around 8:45! That does not give me much time to get to Soochow!

God will take care of all the details. Just remember to lift me up in prayer!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 74:12 KJV – KJV Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. You will be teaching a class at Soochow this semester?

  2. Sleeping in means not getting up before the sunrise. So, I got up after 5am. And I'm only teaching for 8 days. It's an intensive class of 11 students. The pay is great!

  3. 8 days. That’s doable. I know you will be a great blessing to the students, and so glad you are being paid well. A workman is worthy of his wages.
