Tuesday, August 6, 2024

God Is Merciful!

It was actually cooler this morning... but I didn't run farther... just kept to my 8k.

I was home and did some more trimming of my hair... Love how short it is in the back!

Mom had a huge bowel movement so it was a nice long shower for her. After she left, I worked on cleaning up her room. I also went down to check the recycling!

We are getting a new person... Maybe by the middle of this month!

I started dinner in the rice cooker. That's my routine now!

And then I called Ms. Hsieh. She had time, so I went and got a massage! I fell asleep! It was so nice... and with AC!

I was home and it was time to work on various things. The dinner was ready. Yippy! I decided to clean out all the packets I had gathered in the fridge as well as the side pantry. Then I finally sat down to work on my talk for 8/18! All afternoon while I was trying to work, people were calling me as the complex had several issues, which needed my attention!

This evening after Mom went to bed, I had my monthly prayer time with two sisters!

Isaiah was home and he enjoyed the dinner I made! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

In preparing for my talk, I listened to Beth Moore's sermon on the Blessed Embrace. How do we go from embracing religion to embracing a relationship with Jesus? Because that will change how we live as Jesus is King of kings, not in general but in truth!

Rev. 1:5

Sermons | Emmanuel Baptist Church

Revelation 17:14 – 100% JESUS

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. you need to be paid to do the complex job

  2. Being on the Board of our complex is completely voluntary. Now, past board directors might not be so conscientious as I am... But I can't just let things be messy...
