Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Delightful Sabbath!

I was up and ran my 8k. Did I mention that the heat is unbearable?

I didn't have to rush as I didn't have class this morning!

After Mom was off, I had breakfast and I decided to attend the funeral service. I'm glad I did! 

I came back home, stopping to buy herbal jelly and drink. I mixed that up after I got home and then went to Miramar to do my Bible study. It was nice with the AC!

I then headed off to WGE and did a short workout and took a nice shower!

I was home and on the sofa for a nap! Mom was due back way too soon!

The ringing of the phone woke me up... the nap was too short!

I got her dinner in the microwave and went down.

Tonight was a free night... I needed the time to pack up things for tomorrow. God will give me wings for the next three days... I will be "flying"...

Daily Lovely Insight:

Every week, I help to generate questions based on the Sunday sermon. 

Here are the questions from this past Sunday: (Isaiah is a great help as he translates everything for our team!)

Not What You Think 上帝想的跟你不一樣 2 Kings 5:1-16 列王記下 5:1-16

1. How has God revealed His greatness to you in moments when you've felt small or inadequate?

1. 當您感到自己渺小或不足時,神如何向您顯明祂的偉大?

2. When Naaman was told to wash in the Jordan River to be healed, it seemed illogical and beneath him. In what ways has God called you to be obedient in ways that didn’t initially make sense to you? How did you respond, and what was the outcome?

2. 當乃縵被告知去約旦河沐浴才能痊癒時,這似乎不合邏輯,也讓您覺得不合常理。神以哪些方式呼召你順服,而您一開始並沒有意識到這一點?您如何回應,結果如何?

3. Naaman’s pride almost kept him from receiving God’s healing. How does this story challenge you to examine areas of pride in your life that may be hindering your relationship with God? What steps can you take to humble yourself and be more receptive to God’s guidance?

3. 乃縵的驕傲幾乎使他無法接受神的醫治。這個故事如何挑戰您去檢視您生命中那些可能阻礙您與上帝關係的驕傲領域?您可以採取什麼步驟來謙卑自己並更容易接受神的引導?

4. The Israelite servant girl played a crucial role in Naaman’s healing by directing him to the prophet Elisha. How has God used unlikely or unexpected people to speak to you or guide you back to Him? What does this teach you about being open to God's voice in your life?

4. 以色列女僕引導乃縵去見先知以利沙,在他的康復過程中發揮了至關重要的作用。神如何使用不太可能或意想不到的人來對您說話或引導您回到祂身邊?關於在生活中向上帝的聲音敞開心扉,這對您有什麼啟發?

5. Naaman's healing led him to acknowledge the God of Israel as the one true God. How has God used situations in your life—whether challenges, healing, or restoration—to deepen your relationship with Him?

5. 乃縵的醫治使他承認以色列的神是獨一的真神。神如何利用您生活中的處境——無論是挑戰、療癒或恢復——來加深您與祂的關係?

If time permits, discuss: How might God be speaking to you in this season of your life, inviting you to experience His restoration or inviting you to a deeper relationship with Him beyond the initial or superficial experience of His ‘healing’?


These questions are designed to encourage deep reflection on both the passage and personal experiences with God.


Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

1 comment:

  1. ok I still have to work on your first set of questions
