Monday, August 19, 2024

Prep Day & Tutoring

I was up, but not super early. I ran my 8k and took a quick shower and was caring for Mom.

After she left and assisted our janitor, I took out all the books for my prep this week! I had things I needed to make copies and find reading materials for my new student and the intensive class. The pay for the intensive class is great! I'll earn about 1500US$ for 8 days of work! That's more than Alan's monthly salary as a part time instructor! And since he doesn't get paid during the summer months, this is a good income! And I have been tutoring more this summer... and my students want more hours. I'm just blessed!

I got everything set and had a nice big lunch! Then headed out to the copier and then to tutoring!

We went long and as I was scootering home, planning to pick up the materials, I saw this approaching dark cloud. I stopped off on the side and put on my rain coat. Less than 15 seconds later, the skies opened and the down pour came. I just scootered home and all my bags were very wet! Thankfully, I had double wrapped my cell phone and wallet!

I hung everything up to dry and put a couple of the paperback books in front of the fan!

Then it was time to get Mom's dinner ready! She was home right on time! 

Tonight was tutoring for two hours, but I had to rush over to the copier as I had things that I wanted to work on with her! And she wants to continue when school starts back. So, in September, she will come once a week on Wednesday evenings for two hours!

Isaiah went to get his haircut after work. He is scheduled to play basketball three times this week!

Daily Lovely Insight:

46 Bible Verses about the Kingdom of God — Bible Lyfe

Romans 14:17 | To Enjoy God

Here are just a few verses for you to consider as I will be sharing on the Kingdom of God for my talk on September 18th! Always fun to prep for these talks! Very thought provoking!

What is the Kingdom of God?

How are we to live as people who have been transferred out of darkness and into His marvelous light?

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ