Friday, August 23, 2024

A Bit of A Reprieve!

I was up early and went for my 8k run!

I was back and getting my scooter out and things ready. 

After Mom was in the van, I was on my way to Soochow!

I made coffee and shared the banana bread that I baked! Fantastic!

The three hours flew by.

When class was finished, I went outside. I was shocked by the heat. It was blaring!

I headed home to unpack and put away all my stuff and then had lunch.

I had to get gas for the car and name tags for tomorrow's event. The afternoon thunderstorm was amazing. If only I had time to go for a run in that down pour! You couldn't see ten feet in front of you!

Tonight I met up with some of the students to take them to Costco! I had to pick up a few things so it was a fun trip. About 8 of them will be coming to the church game night... Four opted out... too bad!

Tomorrow and this whole weekend will be packed! Mom's appointment in the morning... social worker visit in the afternoon and then potluck and game night in the evening. I still have to cook in between!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 50:19 KJV Bible Verse Images

Why do you think this verse was so special to me?

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. which students? your new ones? they could not go to Costco?

  2. The group of Japanese students... they don't have membership!

  3. where did you meet them? and where is Saturday?
