Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wilder Thursday!

I was up early and went out for my 8k. I saw my neighbor and we ran back together. He is a fast runner... so to keep pace with him was a great workout!

I moved my scooter out and took a shower. I then got Mom up and out and I again flew to school!

Those three hours are so packed as I'm trying to up their English level... What am I talking about? They are scoring like a 5 out of 30 on each section of the TOEFL and I want them to double that score in just eight short days! 

Today I treated them to panini sandwiches and hot chocolate.

I rushed home to get my bag for my tutoring and the mom informed me to meet at this other place! I found their house! While tutoring, I heard the thunder. Yes, it started to pour. I rode home with the book bag on my shoulder. That weight almost dislocated my shoulder joint! I was planning on running a few errands, but not in that downpour. I didn't even stop at WGE. Carrying the book bag was my workout!

I edit in the afternoon and baked. Then Mom was home.

Tonight I took another group of students to Costco. I also picked up veggies for the lunch that I will make for them on Monday, which will be our last class. I found out that they will take a mock TOEFL test on Tuesday afternoon! Please pray for them. And on Monday, I will share with them about Jesus!

Annie and KR are in Kenya... on a luxury five-star safari!

Daily Lovely Insight:

My Foundational Scriptures – Psalm 131 – Lift Up Your Eyes!

This psalm was a great reminder for me today... 

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses