Saturday, August 31, 2024

Blaring Hot Saturday!

As I sit to write this blog, the AC is on full blast! 

I was up early and went out for my 8k, ending my week with 50.25K!

Then it was home for a shower and catching up on housework, i.e. sending the iRobot to vacuum the house. I also went and ran a few more errands. I also splurged and got new transition lenses for my glasses. It's been over two years and it was time to get them replaced! 1300NT$ (about 43US$)! I will pick them up on Monday evening!

Isaiah left for his overnight trip with co-workers out in YiLan! He will be back in time for church tomorrow. He is translating and doing the worship leading!

I rested and got Mom up for her breakfast!

While she sat at the dining room table, I had to be super vigilant. Both of her hands must be on the table! I worked on putting together my ppt for September 8th and got up from time to time to do a household chore.

At 5pm, the helper came. Yes, I had reserved a helper just so that I can have some time to go off and it worked out perfectly as one of my ex-students asked me to join her for dinner in Tienmu!

On the way to the dinner place, I stopped at WGE and I also went to the Carrefour in Tienmu and bought a few things. I forgot to buy the spaghetti, so I will have to get that tomorrow. The dinner was fantastic. The food was great and the conversation flowed easily.  was home by 10:30pm!

I had things to get done for Monday: homemade spaghetti sauce, Normandy veggies from Costco with cheese. I went and bought Coca Cola.  I also asked a friend to write two verses in Japanese. Please pray for our last class on Monday!

Overall, it was a rather calm day! I'm so grateful!

Daily Lovely Insight:

1 John 3:1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we  should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the  world does

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Friday, August 30, 2024

Oh... It's Friday!

I was up early... and out... Ran my 8k. I am amazed as each morning when I go out, I think to myself, "I will just run five..." It's not because I don't enjoy the solitude... I am having a difficult time with the heat! I am waiting for NOVEMBER!

I got Mom up and out and I was... yes... you guessed it... FLYING ON MY SCOOTER!

The three hours of class flew by! 

I was home and just had a lot to get done before I headed out again!

All the errands that I didn't get done yesterday, I was doing them today! 

With the care of my mom, I have only a few precious hours... I know... Annie keeps saying that I don't need to teach. And financially, that's true. I don't need to be sharing at church... it's not for the money. But I love using my gifts... I love being with the students and I love getting people excited about God's word. But to teach or to preach I need TIME! Yes, I can eliminate these things and just focus on CARING FOR MY MOM! But honestly, that's NOT what I want to do in this season of my life! So, I guess that's why I am experiencing some frustration and stress...

I had a helper come to get Mom from the van so that I can be out a little later.

Tonight, I had my Bible study at 8:30 and I got to talk to Abby beforehand! FINALLY!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel 13:23 KJV Bible Verse Images

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wilder Thursday!

I was up early and went out for my 8k. I saw my neighbor and we ran back together. He is a fast runner... so to keep pace with him was a great workout!

I moved my scooter out and took a shower. I then got Mom up and out and I again flew to school!

Those three hours are so packed as I'm trying to up their English level... What am I talking about? They are scoring like a 5 out of 30 on each section of the TOEFL and I want them to double that score in just eight short days! 

Today I treated them to panini sandwiches and hot chocolate.

I rushed home to get my bag for my tutoring and the mom informed me to meet at this other place! I found their house! While tutoring, I heard the thunder. Yes, it started to pour. I rode home with the book bag on my shoulder. That weight almost dislocated my shoulder joint! I was planning on running a few errands, but not in that downpour. I didn't even stop at WGE. Carrying the book bag was my workout!

I edit in the afternoon and baked. Then Mom was home.

Tonight I took another group of students to Costco. I also picked up veggies for the lunch that I will make for them on Monday, which will be our last class. I found out that they will take a mock TOEFL test on Tuesday afternoon! Please pray for them. And on Monday, I will share with them about Jesus!

Annie and KR are in Kenya... on a luxury five-star safari!

Daily Lovely Insight:

My Foundational Scriptures – Psalm 131 – Lift Up Your Eyes!

This psalm was a great reminder for me today... 

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Wild Wednesday!

I got up early... super early... Ran my 8k and came home! After a quick shower, I took a 'nap'. 

Then it was time to move my scooter outside and get Mom up and out.

Yes, I was flying to school.

I had made brownies and I brought coffee packets.

The three hours flew by!

I stopped at WGE and did a quick workout and was home for lunch. 

Potstickers... YUMMY!

Then the social worker agency called to ask about the assistance I've been receiving... was I satisfied? I also had a few questions for them!

At 3pm, I took another quick nap! I had to... 

I found a new short cut to my tutoring in Shihlin! So, I was there by 4:25! YIPPY!

That went well... and they had the AC on! What a relief!

I was home and it was time to blog and Mom care! The helper left and I turned on the AC!

At 7:30, after Mom went to bed, I tutored for another two hours, ending a bit late, AGAIN!

I had to get everything ready for tomorrow and finally hit the sacks at 11:30! 

God sustained me!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Today I was invited to speak at GEM as the pastor is going to make an emergency trip back to the States. I subbed for him when he went to the states for a family vacation. Now, someone dear to him has passed away. I will be sharing on September 8th, Kingdom Mindset! 

What did Jesus mean by Luke 17:21? - Quora

(I chose this image in light of the fact that Annie and KR have embarked on their SAFARI ADVENTURE!)

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Delightful Sabbath!

I was up and ran my 8k. Did I mention that the heat is unbearable?

I didn't have to rush as I didn't have class this morning!

After Mom was off, I had breakfast and I decided to attend the funeral service. I'm glad I did! 

I came back home, stopping to buy herbal jelly and drink. I mixed that up after I got home and then went to Miramar to do my Bible study. It was nice with the AC!

I then headed off to WGE and did a short workout and took a nice shower!

I was home and on the sofa for a nap! Mom was due back way too soon!

The ringing of the phone woke me up... the nap was too short!

I got her dinner in the microwave and went down.

Tonight was a free night... I needed the time to pack up things for tomorrow. God will give me wings for the next three days... I will be "flying"...

Daily Lovely Insight:

Every week, I help to generate questions based on the Sunday sermon. 

Here are the questions from this past Sunday: (Isaiah is a great help as he translates everything for our team!)

Not What You Think 上帝想的跟你不一樣 2 Kings 5:1-16 列王記下 5:1-16

1. How has God revealed His greatness to you in moments when you've felt small or inadequate?

1. 當您感到自己渺小或不足時,神如何向您顯明祂的偉大?

2. When Naaman was told to wash in the Jordan River to be healed, it seemed illogical and beneath him. In what ways has God called you to be obedient in ways that didn’t initially make sense to you? How did you respond, and what was the outcome?

2. 當乃縵被告知去約旦河沐浴才能痊癒時,這似乎不合邏輯,也讓您覺得不合常理。神以哪些方式呼召你順服,而您一開始並沒有意識到這一點?您如何回應,結果如何?

3. Naaman’s pride almost kept him from receiving God’s healing. How does this story challenge you to examine areas of pride in your life that may be hindering your relationship with God? What steps can you take to humble yourself and be more receptive to God’s guidance?

3. 乃縵的驕傲幾乎使他無法接受神的醫治。這個故事如何挑戰您去檢視您生命中那些可能阻礙您與上帝關係的驕傲領域?您可以採取什麼步驟來謙卑自己並更容易接受神的引導?

4. The Israelite servant girl played a crucial role in Naaman’s healing by directing him to the prophet Elisha. How has God used unlikely or unexpected people to speak to you or guide you back to Him? What does this teach you about being open to God's voice in your life?

4. 以色列女僕引導乃縵去見先知以利沙,在他的康復過程中發揮了至關重要的作用。神如何使用不太可能或意想不到的人來對您說話或引導您回到祂身邊?關於在生活中向上帝的聲音敞開心扉,這對您有什麼啟發?

5. Naaman's healing led him to acknowledge the God of Israel as the one true God. How has God used situations in your life—whether challenges, healing, or restoration—to deepen your relationship with Him?

5. 乃縵的醫治使他承認以色列的神是獨一的真神。神如何利用您生活中的處境——無論是挑戰、療癒或恢復——來加深您與祂的關係?

If time permits, discuss: How might God be speaking to you in this season of your life, inviting you to experience His restoration or inviting you to a deeper relationship with Him beyond the initial or superficial experience of His ‘healing’?


These questions are designed to encourage deep reflection on both the passage and personal experiences with God.


Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Monday, August 26, 2024

God Is My Strength

I was up early and had my run -- 8k. It was hot!

I was home and got my stuff ready and got my scooter out in front!

I had to get Mom up and out and the van came at 8:36! I was on the way at 8:40!

I was there before 9am!

The class went well!

I came back home and put everything away and ate lunch then headed out to WGE. I hadn't gone for almost a week!

I was back and had a telephone conversation with the management company. They will have to make some positive changes!

At 4pm, I had prayer time. When that finished, I got Mom's dinner ready and made a salad for myself. It's just too hot to eat!

After Mom went to bed, I tutored from 7:30 to 9:50! I decided to bake for Wednesday as tomorrow is my Sabbath! I am still undecided about attending the funeral service of the father of one of the person's from our congregation. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Lamentations 3-21-26_sq - Do Not Depart

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Sunday, August 25, 2024

I Forgot!

I came home last night and totally forgot to hit PUBLISH!

Today is Sunday's entry.

I was up early and did a load of wash. I went out and updated the bank books.

I was home and rested!

I did not go to WGE.

I did not go for a walk.

We went to church early to help with setting up!

Isaiah drummed and translated.

The message was from II Kings 5:1-18.

We were home by 7:30 and after I put Mom to bed, I blogged.

I prepped for my class this week and got everything ready for tomorrow! Wow... It's going to be busy!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Our speaker's three points were:

1. The Big Wig vs The Little Girl

2. Logic vs Obedience

3. Healing vs. Relationship

God's plans are sometimes very different from our plans. 

God's ways are sometimes very different from our ways.

Naaman repented and acknowledged God as the One True God.

2 Kings 5:15 | And he returned to the man of God, he and all his company,  and came, and stood before him: and he said, Behold, now I know that there

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


I was up early and I knew it was going to be a tremendously hectic day!

I did my run and I even ran 9k and my weekly of 50K!

Then it was a quick shower and baking.

I went to the hospital to pick up Mom's meds and prescription, which is usually a 5 minute thing. The patient who was in there talked for 45 minutes... I told the nurse... I will come back another time!

I headed to church and set up! It took quite a long time as I was also making tea!

Then I was home and Mom Care.

I also got two crock pot of meat going and then made a salad. On the way back from church, I bought things for the event, such as burger buns, cucumbers, bell peppers...

The social worker came at 1:50 and stayed until 2:30. She might have a lead for a day care program that is on Saturday... self pay... but I'm very interested! She will get back to me! 

Friends from church came at 4:45 to pick up a load of stuff. The helper came at 5pm and I was off!

And yes, the AC was on FULL BLAST! There was no rain and with all the cooking, the house was so hot!

And the event went so well! All the students showed up. The food was more than enough! I came home absolutely exhausted! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Pin page

Blossom as the Rose ~♥~ Isaiah 35:1-2 | Gracie Creswell ~♥

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ 

Friday, August 23, 2024

A Bit of A Reprieve!

I was up early and went for my 8k run!

I was back and getting my scooter out and things ready. 

After Mom was in the van, I was on my way to Soochow!

I made coffee and shared the banana bread that I baked! Fantastic!

The three hours flew by.

When class was finished, I went outside. I was shocked by the heat. It was blaring!

I headed home to unpack and put away all my stuff and then had lunch.

I had to get gas for the car and name tags for tomorrow's event. The afternoon thunderstorm was amazing. If only I had time to go for a run in that down pour! You couldn't see ten feet in front of you!

Tonight I met up with some of the students to take them to Costco! I had to pick up a few things so it was a fun trip. About 8 of them will be coming to the church game night... Four opted out... too bad!

Tomorrow and this whole weekend will be packed! Mom's appointment in the morning... social worker visit in the afternoon and then potluck and game night in the evening. I still have to cook in between!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 50:19 KJV Bible Verse Images

Why do you think this verse was so special to me?

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Another Fully Packed Day

I was up and out and ran my 8k. I felt as if my legs were moving faster... but actually, they were not.

I again rode the scooter out to the front and checked the recycling.

After Mom left, I was on my scooter. Today was grilled cheese sandwiches and milk tea and we had a great time!

I stayed after class to help the students as they were feeling overwhelmed with the TOEFL reading. I was home by 1:20 and started baking. Banana bread... When those were finished, I was out the door for my 3:30 tutoring!

That hour went fast. I was so grateful!

I was home just minutes before Mom came home! I had dinner ready.

Tonight, I had my Bible study group. We couldn't meet on Tuesday evening, so we decided to meet tonight! We started a new study: Simplicity by Cynthia Heald!

Isaiah went out with Fenny!

I came home, first making a quick stop at WGE. I packed up everything for tomorrow! I blogged, put a load of laundry in the washer and went to bed! Isaiah needed his basketball clothes. He will hang everything up!

It's going to be another early morning! This weekend is not going to slow down!

Daily Lovely Insight:

1 corinthians 1-30-31 img_1097 wisdom righteousness sanctification  redemption – Lift Up Your Eyes!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Intensive Class

I was up and did my usual 8k run!

After a quick shower, I got Mom up and ready. Before taking a shower, I had already gone down to look over the recycling, talk to the security guard, and rode my scooter out in front of our complex.

I walked Mom down and after the van came for Mom, I was on my scooter in a flash. I made it to Soochow by 9am.

I set things up and started class. I had baked muffins and brought a special tea so that we can mingle and get to know each other. Those three hours flew by! I rushed home and it was blaring hot outside! I had to get the regular maintenance on my scooter and there were so many people who were at my regular scooter mechanics place! I was home by 2pm and ate lunch and rested!

At 4pm, I was out again to tutor! I had everything ready for the helper!

I was home by 6pm and then after Mom went to bed, I tutored from 7:30 to 9:50! I always go long!

Isaiah played basketball after work! He got his hair cut last night!

I had to do some prep for my class tomorrow as it's going to be another rush-out-the-door morning!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalms 78:29 KJV Bible Verse Images

What a great warning!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Today Was My Sabbath!

Yes, because I have to teach on Thursday, I had to make today my Sabbath, which was fantastic!

I got up early and ran my 8k.

Then after a quick shower, it was Mom Care. She left and I tidied up the house and checked on the recycling.

I had a nice breakfast and settled on the sofa to read!

At about 11am, I went out to a chicken fillet place and bought one for my lunch. It was highly recommended by my student and it was delicious, even though it was 3US$!

On the way back home, I stopped at WGE! I got home and decided to call Ms. Hsieh, just to see if she was available and she was. I made the appointment for 3pm and had a 90 minute massage!

On the way back I stopped at Carrefour and bought drinks for my students.

I got Mom's dinner ready and she was promptly home. 

While Mom ate her dinner, I made chocolate chips muffins. They came out really well! 

It was nice to have a free evening as my Tuesday evening study will meet on Thursday this week! YIPPY!

Daily Lovely Insight:

So many thought-provoking verses in the book of Habakkuk! Read it... You'll love it!

Habakkuk 1:12 Are You not from everlasting, O LORD, my God, my Holy One? We  will not die. O LORD, You have appointed them to execute judgment; O Rock,  You have established

Habakkuk 2:1 KJV Bible Verse Images

Habakkuk 3:17–19 (ESV) - Habakkuk 3:17–19 ESV - Though the fig tree… |  Biblia

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Monday, August 19, 2024

Prep Day & Tutoring

I was up, but not super early. I ran my 8k and took a quick shower and was caring for Mom.

After she left and assisted our janitor, I took out all the books for my prep this week! I had things I needed to make copies and find reading materials for my new student and the intensive class. The pay for the intensive class is great! I'll earn about 1500US$ for 8 days of work! That's more than Alan's monthly salary as a part time instructor! And since he doesn't get paid during the summer months, this is a good income! And I have been tutoring more this summer... and my students want more hours. I'm just blessed!

I got everything set and had a nice big lunch! Then headed out to the copier and then to tutoring!

We went long and as I was scootering home, planning to pick up the materials, I saw this approaching dark cloud. I stopped off on the side and put on my rain coat. Less than 15 seconds later, the skies opened and the down pour came. I just scootered home and all my bags were very wet! Thankfully, I had double wrapped my cell phone and wallet!

I hung everything up to dry and put a couple of the paperback books in front of the fan!

Then it was time to get Mom's dinner ready! She was home right on time! 

Tonight was tutoring for two hours, but I had to rush over to the copier as I had things that I wanted to work on with her! And she wants to continue when school starts back. So, in September, she will come once a week on Wednesday evenings for two hours!

Isaiah went to get his haircut after work. He is scheduled to play basketball three times this week!

Daily Lovely Insight:

46 Bible Verses about the Kingdom of God — Bible Lyfe

Romans 14:17 | To Enjoy God

Here are just a few verses for you to consider as I will be sharing on the Kingdom of God for my talk on September 18th! Always fun to prep for these talks! Very thought provoking!

What is the Kingdom of God?

How are we to live as people who have been transferred out of darkness and into His marvelous light?

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jesus, the King of kings

I slept in... and after my quiet time, I went and ran a few errands, such as wiping down the car, buying soy bean milk, and updating our passbooks.

I was home and it was Mom care!

We left early for church so that Isaiah can help. He had a game at 2pm, so after getting Mom inside the church, he took off. It was only 1:15! So, I just used the time to set up while Mom enjoyed her snacks! I was the speaker today and we had a lot of people! Newcomers as well as those who are back from vacation!

We helped with cleanup and then were home by 7:45! I got Mom to bed and worked on my talk for September. I also blogged and checked on the recycling in B1.

I felt so rested since I slept in this morning. 

It was still a very hot day. There was sprinkling of rain but for maybe 10 minutes. So, it didn't really cool down the heat!

This week is going to be packed! My Soochow Intensive Class will start on Wednesday. Please pray as I need to be there by 9am. And Mom's van usually comes at around 8:45! That does not give me much time to get to Soochow!

God will take care of all the details. Just remember to lift me up in prayer!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 74:12 KJV – KJV Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Ghost Month "Worship" Everywhere!

I was up early and went out for my 8k to hit 50k this week! YIPPY!

Isaiah went to coach tennis and I went down to 'train' the janitor. They have not found a replacement and the company is giving us 'beef' about how difficult it is to find a replacement! So, instead of being 'hopeless' I decided to go and train him. I started with getting his cart cleaned, throwing out the trash that he had accumulated on it. We then went and washed all the rags and mops and buckets. (It's difficult to imagine that a janitor is so poorly trained on the basics!) We went and washed all the trash cans and ash trays in our complex. I set up his cart and refiled all the cleansers. And I told him his duties for today! Sporadically, I checked on his progress.

Oh... Yes, I got Mom up and while she was eating, I'd go see what the guy was doing!

In the afternoon, I had planned to go to Costco and Isaiah helped! We took Mom. I didn't want to be home while the complex did their "ghost worship".  The lunar calendar month of July is Ghost Month. Tomorrow is the middle of the month when the gate of hell is opened the widest! Most complexes and businesses put out a spread to apiece the ghosts, like at Halloween, so that these evil spirits don't wreck havoc in the lives of humans. As the head of the complex, I had told them at the meeting on Thursday that I won't be going, but they still contacted me. I was glad that I wasn't home!

We bought the cake and other items as we have birthday celebration tomorrow at church and then next Saturday is the Potluck Game Night "Event". I'm making sloppy joes for 20 people!

When we left Costco, the line into the parking lot was so long! Glad we went when we did!

Isaiah bought a hot dog for his dinner. I ate leftover from my Bible study last night. I had Mom's dinner ready for her! I usually cook for the week!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 35:15 | I have sent also unto you all my servants the prophets,  rising up early and sending them, saying, Return ye now every man from his  evil way, and amend

Seek Him First

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)

Friday, August 16, 2024

A Bit Cooler...

I was up early and went out and I actually ran 9k! That's to make up for my 7k yesterday, plus it was cooler.

I came home, took a shower, got Mom up and out and did a load of laundry.

I set the iRobot to work while I tutored!

Then after I finished tutoring, I hung up the clothes and got things together to give away.

I scootered off at 1pm to go and get a haircut and meet up with a friend who just moved to the Taipei area.

I had a container and a space heater for him.

The haircut was so fast. And he trimmed shorter than I had intended... that's ok... great for hot summer days!

I was heading back at 4pm and made a stop at WGE. YEAH!

I hadn't gone there since I tripped on Tuesday!

Tonight we had a Bible study potluck. It was so fun to see everyone!

Isaiah went for a massage as he couldn't get a hair appointment.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 33:3 Print - Sincerely, Sara D. | Home Decor & DIY Projects

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sabbath Rest!

I did not get up as early as usual... it was difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position with my right hip being bruised and the strawberry on my right elbow. But once I fell asleep, I was sound asleep...

I went out for a shorter run and was back for my quick shower and then Mom Care. I had to be very careful as my wrists are not operating properly!

After Mom went off, I came back home and had a nice leisurely breakfast. I also started the rice cooker as I wanted fried rice for lunch!

I spent the morning reading and then completed my Revelation homework. After lunch, I had a nice long nap and sent the iRobot off to mop the floor!

At 3pm, I was thinking of leaving but the rain came. So, instead, I baked this marshmallow bars for the complex meeting tonight! I'm glad I started them early as I had to put them in the fridge to cool off!

Mom was back promptly at 5:10 and then I had to get her to bed before 7:30 as that's when the meeting started!

Isaiah went out with Fenny after work. She's not going to be at church this weekend as she is going down to Kaohsiung to visit with her parents.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 30 17 Bible Verse Wall Art Scripture Poster Vintage Prayer Wall  Decorative Prints Giclee Artwork for Bedroom Painting Pictures Posters for  ...

Great verse for today!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sudden Thunderstorms!

I was up early and I did not see any rain drops falling on my feet... I ran my 8k - barely... because I tripped and hit the ground within the first two kilometers... banged up my hip and knee and wrist... God is good... I ran into my neighbor and he helped to keep me going... 

I took a shower and rinsed off the strawberries and wrapped up my wrist. It can't lift anything heavy...

I got Mom up, which was a bit difficult with a wrist that's not feeling well. God is good...  I got her into the shower and dressed and she had breakfast and out into the van.  Then I helped with the recycling. I came back home and finished reading as I had tutoring at 11am.

I got there early! YEAH! 

When I finished, it was pouring. I waited... and then finally went and bought a disposable raincoat. As soon as I paid, the rain stopped! 

I went to look for a lid... none... I'm going to toss the bottom.

I went and bought tracts for my talk on Sunday! 

I scootered home! I napped on the sofa. I was so tired!

I got up and had lunch and gathered up my stuff for my 4:30 tutoring. I also had to set up everything for the helper.

I had to get gas before heading up the mountain where my student lives. It was raining... and I had my raincoat on!

I was finished and the rain had stopped. Thank you, Jesus! I rushed back home!

Tutoring at 7:30pm! And another person asked if I could tutor her son... And my evening student does want to continue when school starts... Not twice a week, but just once a week!

What a day. I also blogged and printed out my talk and posted more things to give away!

Isaiah had basketball tonight! He had leftover chicken with noodles that I made yesterday. He said it was really good! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Forest Path Jeremiah 29:13 – Encouraging Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

It's Not Slowing Down!

I was up early and got in my 8k.

Then after a shower, it was Mom Care.

When she left, I cleaned up her room and started reading to prep for my tutoring tomorrow.

I didn't finish as I decided to call Ms. Hsieh. She was available. So, I had a 90 minute massage! I also went and bought diapers and bed pads, dropped off the money for the boxes, and went to meet up with friends. We wanted to share with one of the gals' father. He is getting old and has not accepted Jesus! It was a great afternoon.

We had to leave the apartment before others came back, so we went to the coffee shop next door and chatted!

I rushed home with a quick stop at WGE and Mom was back!

I had dinner ready! I had started the rice cooker before I left for my massage!

Tonight, I had to scooter over to the old house for the cement guy to see what's happening on the fifth floor that's causing the leak in our house. It's the pipes on the fifth floor. We think that it has a crack in them. Maybe because of the recent earthquake. Now... to fix the problem... I will keep you updated!

Daily Lovely Insight:

1 Peter 3:15 images But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be  prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for  the hope that

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Monday, August 12, 2024

Much To Do Monday

I was up super early... and went out for my usual 8k.

It felt good to take a shower.

Then it was Mom care... and then clean up after she left!

I had a free morning, sort of... cleaning the fans, posting things to give away, and the list went on and on and on. I also finished seasoning the pan! I will test it out later this week to see if it is truly non-stick!

At 11am, I went to drop things off that will be packed to be shipped to the Philippines! And then I went and made a quick stop at WGE.

I was home for lunch and took a short nap and started my prep for tutoring for this week. I did not get as far as I wanted. Oh well... 

At 3:30, my friend came over and we talked and prayed until Mom got home! I had dinner ready!

The complex had more stuff to get done! And I had tutoring tonight!

I was so happy to be in bed at the end of the day! 

Yes, it's going to be another early morning tomorrow!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Bible Culture - “Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in  My hand." - Jeremiah 18:6 (NKJV) Adelaide Pollard was planning to go to  Africa as a

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Restful Sunday!

I was up early and since no run on Sunday, I started cleaning and sorting and filling up empty soap bottles! I also organized Mom's clothes, yet again! I bought three more boxes of gloves, two bags of diaper inserts and two bags of overnight diapers... and I will get more bed pads on Monday! I like the motto: a place for everything and everything in its place! 

I dusted as the house really needed it! Then I went through two shelves of books in the study! It was a very productive morning!

We left for church at 2:10 as we always get there early to set up and get the coffee and snack table ready!

Isaiah was the worship leader and the translator! I sat with Mom! Last week was really difficult as Isaiah was not at church and I had to translate. But one of the gals didn't have to sit at the AV booth, so she was able to sit with Mom! 

At the end of the service, we had the Father's Day gift and announcement of the winner. Isaiah won! He received two movie tickets. Everyone who participated received a certificate.

We left at 6:45 as Isaiah had a basketball game at 8pm. He helped me get my mom into the house and then scootered over. I got Mom to bed and put things away. I headed to WGE and did a quick workout and had a quick shower.

I spent the evening seasoning a cast iron pan. I watched a few videos and I had to work on getting the rust removed. I didn't know how exquisite these pans are. They can last a life time... and once seasoned, they are non-stick! I also blogged and worked on my talk for 8/18.

The week is going to be another busy one... so what else is new??!?!?!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 17:7

Jeremiah 17:7 |

The Beatitudes has a list of BLESSED... If you have the time, read that as well... Matthew 5:1-12!

In fact, read all the way to verse 16!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Saturday Like Other Saturdays...

I was up early and went out and ran my 8k. I looked at the weather... it's going to be like this for the whole month of August... perhaps it will get cooler in September... PERHAPS!

Then after taking a shower and Isaiah went off to coach tennis, I drove the car to church and dropped off a table and a door mat! On the way back, I bought soy bean milk!

I had Mom's breakfast ready and she peed a lot but no surprises. I did a load of laundry! And I turned on the AC! It was just too muggy and sticky!

Isaiah went and met up with Fenny as it's Taiwan Valentine's Day! They are going to hang out... I'm not sure about hiking as the thunderstorms started... but he sent me pictures... no rain... they saw a beautiful rainbow!

I had a friend who came over for counseling at 2:30. After he left and Mom had dinner and went to bed, I just stayed home! The Cement Guy had to cancel as his knees are in need of rest... He's so young. We had to reschedule to next Tuesday and I'm going to pray for him. He needs God! I'm glad I didn't have to go out tonight... I was just feeling tired... worn out... I realized that this past week started with Mom having diarrhea... It's been a long week!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 10:23 KJV - Bible Study, Meaning, Images, Commentaries,  Devotionals, and more...

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

Friday, August 9, 2024

A Calm Friday!

I was up early... and ran my 8k and I will hit 50 this week!

It was blaring hot... in the afternoon, there were scattered (isolated) thunderstorms... They helped to cool down the day!

I didn't have tutoring this morning. What a blessing... I think once the students I have no longer want to continue, I will not pick up any more new student! I'm going to phase out... and maybe only do special teaching projects. We shall see!

I baked banana oatmeal raisin cookies... OH SOO GOOD... I had to stop myself from eating the cookie dough. There was no egg, so totally safe!

I made dinner... black sesame chicken with noodles! OH SOO GOOD!

I did go out to pay a bill and did a quick WGE workout before meeting friends at the Miramar at 3:30. They are here from the UK. Alan did their wedding and they adopted a little boy... When we were in the UK, they hosted us! 

This evening, I had my Revelation Bible study online! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 5:1 | Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see  now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man,  if

How interesting... God's instruction to the prophet to run up and down the streets, seeking for a man who executes judgment (justice) and seeks the truth... I guess the implication is that there was none... because if Jeremiah found one, then God would pardon the whole city!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ