Monday, September 9, 2024

Yes... HOT...

I was up early and went out for my 8K. On the way back, I saw the Neihu Triathlon guys. They waved me over to get some pictures done... ha, ha, ha... I'm not kidding. I saw these guys running and they are fast. And we always wave at each other. One of the guys looks like my father! Here's a picture. What do you think, Annie?

I was home and took a quick shower and got Mom off to the van.

I helped the janitor and called Ms. Hsieh. She was available, so I went for a 90 minute massage. Mom was weird this weekend. She would see a shadow on the ground and thought it was a chair. Or all of a sudden she'd lean backwards or let go of the walker. Or when I was putting her into the shower, she wouldn't turn to sit in the chair. So, to maneuver her took a lot of work! Those 90 minutes really helped.

I then went to church and the guy came to pick up the stroller and baby walker and books. Next, it was off to clean the old house. It was hot and I was pouring in sweat by the time I finished. I went to WGE and took a nice shower and did my three machines. I came home and my friend came over for a share and prayer time! It's our once a month time to catch up!

Mom was home and she was 'weird'. The driver said that she talked non-stop about some financial transaction. The day care center messaged me and said the same thing. And again, she was walking funny and I had to push her in the walker. She also took one bite of dinner and said, "I've had enough! The rest is for him." She pointed at an empty chair. And she really did not eat anything more for dinner! Absolutely weird! I could not get her to walk, so I had to carry her with me behind her getting her brush her teeth and to bed! I will keep you posted tomorrow.

I had tutoring tonight from 7:30 to 9:30! And then I worked on my talk!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I have no idea about tomorrow... but my God is in control. And I can rest in that! I think this quote from C.S. Lewis is just perfect!


Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. Ma how I love you, remember our imaginary friends when we were young, and sometimes we would take one bite and say NOPE no more. The elderly sure regress the same way we were when we were young. Lovely, I love you so dearly taking care of mom. Don't forget God is there for you and I am too. Just crying croc tears thinking of our great mom.....

    1. Annie, you didn't answer my question. Do you think this guy looks like father?

  2. Yes, this could all just be progression, it could also be a bladder infection that the elderly are prone to, and the first simption is usually weird behavior. Praying

  3. I don't think it's bladder infection as her diaper is quite wet and we give her plenty of water. I also give her cranberry juice!

  4. I think he looks like your dad.

  5. Thank you for answering the question!!!!!!
