Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Eagle Has Landed!

I was up super early... but the Lord had already put it in my mind that I would not get in a run... So, I was not surprised when I checked my phone after my quiet time that Alan landed early and was already out of customs and getting his luggage at 5:12. So, I headed out!

We were home by 7am and started unpacking before I got Mom up!

Annie sent about seven air fresheners... I plugged three in, immediately! The house smells so much better.

I got Mom up and after her shower, she was eating her oatmeal! Gina, my sister-in-law, had given me a bag of date pieces... They are called Lovelies and they are delicious! I ate some and poured some over Mom's oatmeal!

After she left, I was down doing the recycling! We had so much that one truck couldn't take everything!

I was back upstairs and getting things put away. It was finished by 11am!

Alan went out for a run... He invited me to join him and you know my answer: NO WAY! I went to WGE and ran 5k on the dreadmill. I took a shower and headed home. I will make my 50k this week.

We decided just to have lunch at home and then drove over to Isaiah's work place to drop off a helmet for him. A friend will be going to watch his basketball game tonight and he forgot to bring an extra helmet. Sam, the friend, is here to play with one of the professional basketball league. We are great friends with his parents.

Alan and I thought about going to run errands or go to Costco to buy milk, but we were both so exhausted. He has a dinner with a group from Miyasaki tonight and then the HOP Elders' Meeting. It was so good to have the AC on and to nap!!!!!!!!! We talked about Alan's plan for Chinese New Year, but didn't book anything yet. Annie was very nice to say that it's time for me to take a trip, but not during Chinese New Year.

Alan left at 5pm and Mom was home. I had dinner ready for her. I blogged while she ate!

I had changed my tutoring to Monday so that I can have my prayer time with this sister. We've had a break for the month of August and she really wanted to start back. 

After prayer time, I tidied up and headed to bed! Alan went to the study to have his meeting!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel 47:12 KJV

I read this... How HOPE-FILLED... 

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. Sweet and exhausted... getting up so early... running on the dreadmill... ha, ha, ha...
