Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Same and Not the Same...

I was up and ran my 8k. The run started nice... with sprinkling for about 30 seconds... and then it turned into a sauna! I finished!

Then it was Mom Care. She had her shower, ate her breakfast, got into the van and the recycling people arrived. Recycling was done by 9:20 and I received news from the management company: a new janitor would be coming tomorrow... let's pray that it's an improvement!

I listed a few things to give away and I started cleaning the house. I also had to call the Toshiba repairman as the washer at the Danhsui house is leaking water from the bottom, which I suspect is due to the need for the hose to be cleaned.

I also had to run a few errands... more things to copy off, library books to return and I forgot to buy more inserts for Mom. I also made a stop at WGE and did a quick workout.

I was home and I needed a nap... So, I ate the leftover salad and napped for 45 minutes. Not long enough.

I headed out to tutor and it was sprinkling... I was there early and the hour flew by.

I had to scooter back with the slight rain... which I don't like as the hills are pretty steep.

Tonight, after putting Mom to bed, I had tutoring from 7:30 to 9:30 and everything was ready! YEAH!

Tomorrow is my PR Day... YIPPY!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Romans 2:4 - 88.3 The Journey

What a wonderful reminder of God's goodness... 

Pray this verse for others that they may come to repentance when faced with the goodness, forbearance and long-suffering of God!!!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ


  1. No News... I will call them tomorrow, if I don't hear from them!

  2. Annie, you can get really nice hearing aidez at Costco. They are expensive, but half of what you pay elsewhere. The hearing test is free. And they focus on tones that you are missing, not just making things louder. They can be programmed so that they are connected to your phone or your TV too. They are about $1800+-. Hearing is so important, loss of hearing can be one factor in dementia. Get good ones. Did you listen to a lot of loud music as a kid?
