Saturday, September 7, 2024

Getting Things Done... and Enjoying A Meal with Friends

I was up early and went out and ran my 8k. I didn't start my run until after Isaiah took off for his men's group. So, the run didn't start until 7am... needless to say, it was HOT!

I decided to go straight to WGE, after 'supervising' our janitor with the recycling!

I was back and trying to arrange for the pick up of a stroller and walker for a friend. I also dropped off the donation and the money as boxes for the Philippines will be packed on Monday!

I was home and Mom Care!

While she ate, I took down the clean clothes and put another load in the washing machine! I also worked on my talk for next Sunday. I received the sermon notes from our pastor and he and I are speaking on almost the exact same topic. He is using Luke 12 and I'm using Matthew 6. It is so weird as we did not talk to each other. So... we shall see... 

This afternoon, I met up with friends at the Mayfull Hotel and had a bowl of delicious beef noodles. I could not finish everything and brought the leftovers home. Isaiah was home and then when I got home, he left to meet up with Fenny for an early dinner! I guess the restaurant is pretty popular as they could only get an early dinner reservation.

I had a nice free evening... which gave me the time to finish up things around the house! Even though it rained, it was still super hot and muggy. I did not go over to the old house to clean! I thought about it... and then... 'maybe Monday'.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Luke 12:34 |

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ