Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sharing Sunday!

I was up, but not before dawn!

I cleaned the house and did another small load of Mom's clothes and sent the iRobots to do their work!

I then went to WGE and did my four machines.  I came home and Isaiah was already home. He couldn't stand the heat!

When Alan came home, I went out to buy a battery and some Coco drinks for him.

Mom was up and eating her oatmeal and she was behaving strange again. She kept her eyes closed and her mouth opened!

We went to church early to set up and I shared this afternoon!

Matthew 6! Kingdom Matters!

And Mom continued in her strange state. I had to message my student as I think I might have to cancel if Mom can't walk... It's like a repeat of last weekend. She talked non-stop and Alan had to take her outside. She kept wanting to get up even though she says she can't walk. She wanted to go to the swimming pool over there... and there is no swimming pool. I had to feed her dinner as she kept wanting to touch the food and not use her spoon. At least Tuesday is a holiday... and last week, by Wednesday, she was back to 'normal'. We shall see... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

What are you anxious about?

Why is it difficult for you to heed God's word: DO NOT BE ANXIOUS?

Keeping First Things First (Matthew 6:33) - Your Daily Bible Verse - May 1  - Your Daily Bible Verse

Do Not Be Anxious must be coupled with the divine purpose God has given us!

Remember the BUT...

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ