Sunday, September 8, 2024

Super Productive Day!

I was up early and after my quiet time, I started cleaning. I thought: I've been scrubbing other people's home and have not given my own house a good cleaning... so I started! It was a great three hours!

Then I had to get ready to go as I spoke at Glory English Ministry this morning. Isaiah was home with Mom! My message was from II Kings 5:1-18, The Daily Choice!

People wanted to talk to me after the service... so I didn't leave until 1pm, meaning I didn't get home until 1:45. So, it was a mad dash to get everything ready for our afternoon service. I had packed all the snacks and I had food for Mom to eat. I made oatmeal with apple slices, so that SHE HAS TO CHEW SLOWLY!!!!!!!!!! She was very active for church this afternoon!

The service went well... it was a smaller crowd.  I had to translate. God sustained me as I was feeling tired!

I got home and got Mom to bed and it was time to blog and look over the plans for this week.

Oh... I must say: one sister at the morning service gave me a loaf of pound cake. I brought that to church for snack. Another sister had given me a bunch of individually packed snacks. I brought all that to church! Another sister brought moon cakes. And another sister brought things like bed pads and muscle patches. Her father passed away and these were leftover. I felt so blessed as we had an abundance of snacks and I didn't need to go buy bed pads! God provided! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

2 Kings 5:17 KJV Bible Verse Images

Naaman was not only healed... He was cleansed! He turned from a warrior to a worshipper!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ