Monday, September 2, 2024

God Alone Is Able!

I was up early... and ran only 6k! 

First Miracle: Isaiah had a physical, so he didn't have to leave for work at his usual time. He just needed to be at the clinic by 10am. So, he walked Mom down.

I came back from my short run and loaded Part 2 of the goods in the car. I had already put Part 1 in the car yesterday! I got Mom up and showered! She sat and ate breakfast, while I packed up Part 3 of the goods!

I had to drive to school as I had too much stuff to bring.

Second Miracle: Absolutely no traffic. It was like the parting of the Red Sea. I was at school by 8:45 and I asked the TA to meet me out in front. We got everything upstairs and had time to set up before class! That should be the Third Miracle!

I had made spaghetti with homemade sauce and apple fruit salad. I brought chips and bread and Coca Cola. And I had a friend send me John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 in Japanese and I bought the 4 Spiritual Laws. I also brought books for them. They each took one children's book back to Japan!

Fourth Miracle: I shared my testimony and I am not sure if the Lord spoke to their heart, but when I left to head back home, they all followed me! They wanted to send me off. A couple of them messaged me with some very positive words! Please pray for them.

Fifth Miracle: Isaiah was home to help me unload everything and I made it to my afternoon tutoring on time!

Sixth Miracle: My glasses were already at the shop, so I was able to pick them up after finishing tutoring! I didn't have to make a separate trip at 7:30pm! I also stopped to buy bed pads for Mom!

Seventh Miracle: I had a free night! The intensive Monday evening tutoring will now be only once a week on Wednesday! I needed the time to rest, not to mention that I have to prepare for my message on September 8th.

Tonight I had prayer time with two sisters at 8:30 and I cooked the lunch for tomorrow's Bible study!

Wow... I was so ready for bed!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel 20:19-20 (NABRE) I am the Lord,... - The Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ