Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Rest Day... Much Needed Rest Day!

I was up super early and then went for my 8k run! It is still hot!

Then after a quick shower, it was Mom Care... shower, get dressed, breakfast, out the door and into the van!

I checked on the new lady... I think she's actually special ed... but let's see if she's industrious!

I was up in the house and sat and read and rested. Then I baked for tonight's complex meeting. YUMMY!

I called and Ms. Hsieh had time, so I booked a TWO hour massage. My back really needed it with my Mom having two to three days of 'strangeness'... when she lacks mobility, I have to do all the work to get her out of bed, into the shower and seated at the dining room table.

At 1pm, I went out and dropped by a complex that's newly built and looked at their model homes. The developer guy said that the first day on September 8 when they started to sell the units, half were sold! I'm not sure if he's telling the truth. I looked at the 25 ping unit and the 20 ping unit. Interesting... and very expensive! They did a great job remodeling the inside, making a very small space look roomier than it actually is! The units are 900,000NT$ per ping! You can do the math... and that does not include the parking space, which is 2,000,000 and it's a mechanical space! Crazy, right?

Next, I dropped off things to be copied... yes, I'm trying to get my student ready for the TOEIC... We have only 10 more weeks! 

I went and got my massage and the thundershower started! I decided not to stop by to pick up the pages I had copied off as they would have been soaked and just came straight home.

Mom was back... right on time... 

Tonight was the Complex Meeting... LONG & LABORIOUS! We had a lot to discuss as the big complex meeting is coming up on October 19th. At that meeting, they will elect a new board... and I am not going to allow them to put my name on the ballot. Once the new board is elected, I still have to finish the year and they will start in January. YIPPY! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

🙏 Verse of the Day: Romans 12:12

Ocean View Romans 12:12 – Encouraging Bible Verses

Romans 12:12 Daily Verse | KCIS 630

Was meditating on my verse for this year today... I thought you might like to read it in three different versions. The last one is the version that I memorized!

How does the verse speak to you?

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 94.1 KXOJ

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